Harness distributed expertise to serve the needs of the local and global community.
Moreover, many extracurricular and support groups exist at Yale to serve the needs of women.
Separating services based on gender may not be the most useful way to serve the needs of all parents.
To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product.
Financial intermediaries are institutions which attempt to serve the needs of both lenders and borrowers.
Consider the politician whose stated goal is to be elected to office in order to serve the needs of the people.
The strategy for managing an empowered workforce to serve the needs of empowered customers starts with a new agreement.
We propose the creation of an institute to serve the needs of Hainan Province with research and training as its core skills.
The team didn't fall in love with its initial product and strategy and was able to quickly adapt to serve the needs of its users.
If it somehow managed to win a genuine election, it would have to serve the needs of the rural majority instead of the urban minority.
When creating a computer network to serve the needs of large organizations, technicians must insure efficiency, redundancy, and security.
It combines academic and clinical training in medicine, so that a graduate has sufficient practical experience to serve the needs of patients.
Our offices are in Aisa, North America, and Europ, with about 1,000employees, and we are working diligently to serve the needs of our customers.
If you're advertising via paid placements it's extremely important to land your traffic on a page that is designed, or at least targeted, to serve the needs of the searcher.
WHO has already dispatched emergency health kits to serve the needs of 50,000 people for three months and surgical kits to perform 600 surgeries. More supplies are being sent.
With the exception perhaps of the euro, which may emerge in the next decade, no other currency has the necessary characteristics to allow it plausibly to serve the needs of the global economy.
But the study shows that principal among them is the work of library staff to meet the information needs of the communities they serve.
But if he wins power, his record is so contradictory it is not clear if he would rule to serve the narrow interests of his clique, or the pressing needs of the country.
You’re going to see this reflected in your own life too, as you grapple with the challenge of how to serve some greater life purpose while also making sure your individual needs are satisfied.
The FCC's goal: to serve the expanding broadband needs of U.S. consumers.
Each of the three systems under discussion, having been created to serve specific needs, embody shortcomings that constrain wider applicability outside their realms of focus.
With all its built-in capabilities and its flexibility to integrate with other applications or services, CFML can serve all your Web development needs right out of the box.
使用所有的内置功能以及与其他应用程序或服务集成的灵活性,CFML 可以立即满足您的所有Web开发需求。
Pitt adds, “We understand the first response is critical to serve the immediate needs of countless people who are now displaced from their homes, are suffering trauma , and most require urgent care.”
The XML_RDDL package includes methods to serve these needs as well. Listing 5 illustrates some of these methods.
99the following appeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham College. "to serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory."
99the following appeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham College. "to serve the housing needs of our students, Buckingham College should build a new dormitory."