This was why I excused myself to sign a contract with the school to get my pay doubled.
After Diego died I wanted to come home, and this guy was forcing me to sign a contract with him.
These numbers gave him the chance to get a role in the Italian national football team and to sign a contract with Inter.
Two, the need to sign a contract with the shipping company, the contract must be a formal contract with the company's official seal.
A player retires only if his employer will no longer want to sign a contract with him and he is not claimed from the free agents market by any team.
Applicants also needed to sign a contract with the company after passing the interview, which had strict requirements regarding eyesight, heart rate and blood pressure.
Journalist: But I heard when you saw Claudia, you even had to sign a contract with her, so that she wouldn't tell any other people about what you're doing every day, how you do your magics.
In any business agreement, when you have to threaten someone with, "my contract says...," that's typically not a good sign, the following response will probably be, "Sue me."
In addition to individuals, companies can also use the time bank, however need to pay fees and sign a contract with the bank.
Users will need to sign up for a two-year service contract with a data plan and pay $199.99 for the first device.
All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.
所有的合同都应该有一封说明书- - -用来告诉你的客户如何使用和签署合同。
While Cole is now entitled to sign a pre-contract agreement with another club, the focus is on agreeing a New Deal at Stamford Bridge.
If I want to sign a contract just with Jude, then we don't need a mediator, we just sign the contract together.
The customer (ASDI) wanted us to sign up for a firm fixed price (FFP) contract of 1.1 million dollars Canadian (CDN), with delivery of software within ten months of contract acceptance.
客户(ASDI)希望我们签署一份完全固定总价(firm fixedprice,FFP)合同,合同价值一百一十万加元(CDN),按照合同规定软件系统应在10个月之内交付。
The 25-year-old, having played for Manchester United and Royal Antwerp, is set to sign an 18-month contract with Legia once a medical is completed.
现年25岁的董方卓曾效力于曼联和安特卫普,目前在中超球队大连实德司职前锋。 据悉,待董方卓完成体检后,双方将签订一个为期一年半的合同。
I'd rather use the CIF terms. You're welcome to come to talk about it in detail with our general manager and sign a contract.
We're now hearing that he doesn't want to sign a new contract. What is the situation with his contract negotiations?
All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.
Fisher, 33, left the Lakers in July 2004 to sign a free-agent contract with Golden State and was traded to Utah before the 2006-07 season.
费舍尔,33岁,2004年7月离开湖人,与金州勇士签了一份自由合同,2006- 07赛季时被交易至犹他爵士队。
Strategic cooperation sales: when the enterprises decide to join in the exhibition, once it is accepted be the committee, they can sign a contract with the committee.
It shall commission a company or enterprise which is authorized to import technology from abroad to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party and shall provide a power of attorney.
Shall commission a company or enterprise which is authorized to import technology from abroad to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party and shall provide a power of attorney.
Shall commission a company or enterprise which is authorized to import technology from abroad to sign a technology import contract with the foreign party and shall provide a power of attorney .
Unless you sign a contract with the insurance company for your goods, you are not entitled to a repayment for the goods damaged in delivery.
Then, they can use the newly bought agreement to sign a new contract with another company and leave the former one behind.
All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.
All contracts should come with a cover letter. This gives you a place to instruct your client on how to use and sign the contract.