And to soup up the sounds, it features a three-mode X-Bass system for more bottom end power.
"I'll come back later on to take away your trash," he promises, as he sets up a portable electric hot plate on the table. He snips open sealed vacuum packs of soup to pour into the hot pot.
When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now and discovering its natural perch on his shoulder.
I return to the soup kitchen three weeks later confident of meeting Mikael again but worryingly, he doesn't turn up.
Winter and soup go together, eating a bowl of hot borscht is an excellent way to warm up on a cold winter night.
Yakuza, the Japanese Mafia, were the first to set up soup kitchens for the victims.
I told her that I was going out to pick up some more juice and soup for the children, and I would drop by the church on my way to the market.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen – One of the best first dates I’ve ever been on involved meeting up with a woman at 5:30am to serve breakfast at the local soup kitchen.
Xie Shiyou and Xie Shijun live in Maojiazhen in Mianyang. The two brothers woke up at 5 a.m. to prepare soup for the earthquake victims.
Up sells menus and persuades customers to select higher price foods to increase revenue, e. g. soup, beverage, salad, dessert etc.
Sign up is a snap (you can actually begin Posting to your tumble blog before creating an account), and like Tumblr, Soup blogs can be mapped to an outside domain.
But several years ago, the Commercial bank hoped that divides cup of thick soup, and starts to convince its old customer to buy up this kind of miniature bond, but has not explained risk to them.
In fact, I demand nothing, I just want to get up the day after the bowl of seaweed soup.
At the meals, Americans like to have soup first and end up with fruits.
Never dunk bread in your soup or use it to SOP up sauces or juice on your plate.
He explained it was available as a special item on the menu, to be cooked up in soup.
For most efficient and fastest service, the line must be moving. Please have money ready, pick up the soup of your choice, and move to the extreme left. .
Lu the banality of life during wartime: a soldier wakes up in the morning to see compatriots shooting prisoners, then rejoices in the afternoon when he drinks a bowl of red bean soup.
For some of the poorest people in the world, a drink or a pot of soup means getting up before dawn and walking, often for miles, to fetch a bucket of water.
Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, be optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise, and went back to the same public hospital for a check up.
Some form of digital soup will help us to get control of the unpredictable information that is beginning to make up more and more of our everyday information universe.
With 300 to 400 guests at a Chinese wedding, the number of sharks saved begins to add up - not to mention the impact not eating soup might have on those guests down the road.
在华裔人士的婚礼站往往有300 - 400名宾朋,受到保护的鲨鱼数量开始增加——不提及不食用鱼翅汤的影响,可能会引导这些来宾随后效仿。
If you wanted to soup the thing up, MITS offered a few peripherals: a video card, a serial card for connecting to a terminal, a 64-kb RAM-expansion card and an 8-inch floppy drive.
If you wanted to soup the thing up, MITS offered a few peripherals: a video card, a serial card for connecting to a terminal, a 64-kb RAM-expansion card and an 8-inch floppy drive.