As the word evolved, it borrowed from the Latin word that means to praise or worship - literally, "to speak well of."
We should not from such simulacra of words infer not only intention but meaning as well. It is meaningless to speak of marks that are not signs as language.
He said to him, "Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of."
I find that non-language-obsessives split to the extremes; some think that it "speaking x" means speaking as well as you speak in your native language, which is impossible without years of immersion.
Encourage everyone to speak their mind — and always ask for critiques of how well you've been managing the team.
Even if only 1 per cent of Indians speak English well, that is still millions of bilingual or multilingual people for native English speakers to compete with.
Moreover, if you are able to speak clearly, in your own language about a complex topic, that is one of the surest signs that you have learned it well.
I fully support the assertion that to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.
I noticed that in advances as well as declines, stock prices were apt to show certain habits, so to speak. There was no end of parallel cases and these made precedents to guide me.
I understand a good chunk of Krio (although I still can't speak it very well) and I'm much more familiar with day-to-day life here.
If someone USED TO BE in the piano business and they recommend or speak well of their old brand, it's NOT self-promotion.
The advantage of mixed blood is that they can speak the languages well than others, but the translation work needs to be trained and master the culture background.
If I can speak English very well, I can go to a lot of countries, and know more cultural knowledge and linguistics.
First of all, I want to do in class work, from class starts every quiz, seriously in each class, actively speak well, study hard, for every examination got 100 points.
To most of the people, they don't need to speak Mongolian in order to get along with the locals well.
My former colleagues told me three secrets of success in foreign-affiliated companies. First, the ability to speak English well.
Network of well-being of the family, ah, ah so happy youthful image ads are not so beautiful people to speak of it?
There are a number of bilinguals, who speak both English and Spanish reasonably well but code-switch according to their dialog partner or context - some refer to this phenomenon as Spanglish.
The first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition - acting a medic, so to speak - as well as recording your mission data.
I do not speak much of the heart, since it's seldom helpful to do so. But I know well enough the pain when it is broken.
Even investors well-disposed to Mr Murdoch call him a "deal junkie" and speak of a "Murdoch discount" to the share price.
We need to meet, we need to speak, we need to test, and there is the matter of everything he needs to do and everything we need to do as well.
And thus I ask you, whenever you think of Lady Gaia, find and speak loving words for her as well as send Crystals to her.
And thus I ask you, whenever you think of Lady Gaia, find and speak loving words for her as well as send Crystals to her.