Their answer was to spray seawater on the clouds.
The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences.
He explained our basic task, the tractor fired up and we were off, riding down the field looking for weeds to spray with chemicals.
A cheaper method would be to spray seawater into the air from boats.
Meanwhile, water trucks are on standby to spray more water on the reactors.
Because the market prefers beautiful products, farmers are forced to spray pesticides by themselves.
Fire crews continue to spray foam on to the oil containers and surrounding area destroyed in the blaze.
And we want it at least as much as we want to spray our seed in the hotel rooms of the Eastern seaboard.
Completely welded car bodies are being ran to spray booths; they are being flatted and painted over here.
I avoid to spray yellow on the blue, since it gets dark. Instead of it, I sprayed white for the part of yellow.
As an example, a robot doing spot welding one month can be reprogrammed and switched to spray painting the next.
Arrange detergents and other products in the order in which you use them, from stain removers to spray-on starch.
Be sure to spray from an Angle, especially with your vents, so that you don't inadvertently blow any dirt into your computer.
No. (But don't go shaking your wines like a Super Bowl MVP about to spray a bottle of Champagne around the locker room.)
I use spray snow on underground road wrote "happiness", on the plant to spray snow, make the plants were covered with snow.
"Spiders are key predators of insects and can alleviate the need for farmers to spray large quantities of pesticide," Reynolds said.
It is a key working procedure to spray catalyst symmetrically on alveolate ceramic carriers for producing motorcar exhaust converters.
Smoke rises as a firefighting helicopter alights after taking on water to spray over a wildfire on September 7, 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.
The sprinkler spray has the function can be called: spray sprinkler, but the actual needs of customers to spray sprinkler are not the same.
And even for those who can afford them they are not that effective since, by the time a farmer spots an infestation, it is too late to spray.
Residents watch as a firefighting helicopter alights after taking on water to spray over a wildfire on September 7, 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.
When the Lan Hui knows four the elder brother give those female perch of these of period, just drank an an mouthful in mouth tea to spray out.
"We've very lucky in that way, because we're going to at least be able to approach the skunk that is a little less likely to spray," Brancato says.
The major polluting agents are animal wastes, antibiotics and hormones, chemicals from tanneries, fertilizers and the pesticides used to spray feed crops.
As I gown up to spray my apple trees, donning face mask, hat and boots, I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'm thinking that, like Adam, I may be ready to bite.
People usually assume that it is difficult and very dangerous to spray locust swarms from the air and that control measures can only be exercised on the ground.
People usually assume that it is difficult and very dangerous to spray locust swarms from the air and that control measures can only be exercised on the ground.