In practical terms the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.
In practical terms, the diagnosis did little to aid me. Of course, it enabled me to understand my body, my limitations and set me on a course to stabilise my symptoms.
The effect should be to stabilise markets.
They are there to stabilise Afghanistan.
Mr Kuchma, who was elected in 1994, at least managed to stabilise the economy.
The regulators are quite concerned and are trying their best to stabilise the market.
The austerity needed to stabilise their public finances will make it hard for them to climb out.
So they will sell as prices rise to keep their holdings below that limit, which tends to stabilise prices.
To do this will require the kind of decisive interventions recently made to stabilise the financial system.
It expects its share to stabilise at around 18.5%, only one percentage point below its figure for this year.
But we took the same policy as we did in the Asian financial crisis, we decided to stabilise the exchange rate.
The aim is to have "release convergence": everything is done in order to stabilise the code before milestone delivery.
Hedge funds may have acted to stabilise markets by increasing liquidity and by betting on both falling and rising prices.
Plenty more, he says, is poised to follow, if and when Europe's policymakers manage to stabilise Europe's financial system.
But in spite of the hangover from the recession, residential prices have begun to stabilise as the economic outlook has improved.
The function of the elaborate web decoration was initially believed to stabilise the web structure, however this has since been disputed.
Ireland and Greece are in deep recession.The austerity needed to stabilise their public finances will make it hard for them to climb out.
"The very fact that Foxconn needs to raise wages by 70% to stabilise its workforce, shows how low paid the workers were there, " he says.
The World Bank, which in 2009 lent the state $195m to stabilise its finances and improve its management, says the loan targets have been met.
But in floating exchange rate markets, speculators can only make money if they help to stabilise the market, not if they make it more unstable.
It has taken some useful steps that may help to stabilise markets, such as the Joint Oil Data Initiative, but it plays a relatively minor role.
The readings from two reactor buildings showed a "harsh environment" for humans to work in, complicating efforts to stabilise the damaged reactors.
Perhaps the region first had to stabilise its economies and build its social safety net before embarking on microeconomic and institutional reform.
Congress did precisely the opposite, failing to support the economy now and failing to find enough cuts over the next decade to stabilise America's debt.
China's exports over the last few months have only managed to stabilise, but its industrial production jumped by an annualised 25% in the past three months.
China's exports over the past few months have managed only to stabilise, but its industrial production jumped by an annualised 25% in the past three months.
China's exports over the past few months have managed only to stabilise, but its industrial production jumped by an annualised 25% in the past three months.