As for her future, Yang Hui said, "I hope to stand up and walk one day after operations."
I wanted it to be more than a one-night stand.
You never know where you stand with her—one minute she's friendly, the next she'll hardly speak to you.
It is almost impossible for the prime minister to stand above the factions. He always seems in hock to one or another.
Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other.
The articles in the front of the magazine, which once flowed into one another, now stand on their own, to gain prominence.
If you cannot stand the smell of the rotten potatoes for one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the hatred in your heart for your lifetime?
When someone sneezes (打喷嚏) or coughs, the viruses can travel as far as one meter through the air, so you'd better stand a proper distance while talking to someone who has a cold.
On the other hand, if you realize one day you are going to stand before God and he's going to say, 'What did you do while I put you on earth?
You'll be branding yourself as the one person thoughtful enough to stand out from the crowd.
Neil has a rare disabling condition which impairs his speech, but allows him to stand and hop about on one foot.
My little sister and I went in one day and strolled from stand to stand in the fashion department until we found the right stand and the right sweater.
One by one, they stand next to the tourist, towering over him, radiating at the camera.
Everyone mumbles along because no one wants his or her voice to stand out, and the person with the birthday forces a smile and looks at the ground until the song’s over.
And when you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in.
In the fossil record, the research team found evidence of changes in leg length and pelvic structure that may have made it easier for some chimps, like the one in their study, to stand upright.
Dubious patents were granted, helped in part by court rulings that allowed patents to stand on some software and "business methods" that many thought no one could lay claim to.
While the stock market overall has boomed, and it's a battle to find cheap stocks, one thing does stand out: Many of Warren Buffett's favorite stocks remain at, or around, the prices he paid for them.
This stand is an easy one too —as long as you have access to a couple of power tools.
One of the simplest ways to stand out in your niche is to write differently to other bloggers covering the same topics.
In order to stand apart from the other applicants during the process, one must make oneself noticeable.
Seventh retrospective: Following our visit to one of the stand-up meetings, we realized that a knowledge gap existed with respect to concepts mentioned by team members at the stand-up meeting.
How do I know if I can bear to stand by my wife's side if she becomes sick one day?
He's making small speeches to various groups, a few are weaving baskets, and over to one side there's an outdoor cooker where four women stand over two large metal pots.
Robots can solve puzzles, assist with surgery, and even stand in for caregivers, but ask one to handle potato chips without crushing them and humans still prevail.
Robots can solve puzzles, assist with surgery, and even stand in for caregivers, but ask one to handle potato chips without crushing them and humans still prevail.