As I have suggested in recent weeks, I am sure that many will simply refuse to state clearly whether they agree or not.
When quoting the literary works, Marx would always make his comments on it so as to state clearly his appropriate reasons for the quotations and his purpose.
If candidates fail to state clearly results of all subjects obtained in the public examinations or fail to provide the supporting documents as requested, their applications will not be considered.
A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science for example, by affixing an 'open data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.
A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science—for example, by affixing an 'open-data' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available.
Caregivers must also learn to state their needs and opinions clearly and ask for help from others especially brothers and sisters.
A ministry assessment completed shortly afterward said the schools lacked proper marketing methods and had failed to clearly state the practical benefits of receiving graduate diplomas.
Mr. Son, a billionaire who most recently brought Apple’s iPhone to Japan, is clearly depressed about the state of Yahoo.
In testing the stability of Linux kernel releases, there is a need to clearly state and document why the release is stable or unstable.
An important feature of services in SOA is that they have descriptions that state clearly what they do and how to interact with them.
If the homepage fails to clearly state what a company offers and what users can do on the site, people leave.
In short, you need to clearly state your intentions, keep interactions as trivial as possible, and assume that your users include novice and inexperienced users.
Please state clearly, at the time of the original submission, if you wish to testify in person at the hearing in Brasilia.
Affecting all dimensions of the GDD lifecycle, language and cultural differences challenge a project manager's ability to clearly state project requirements and system functionality.
This step is clearly visible in Figure 4, which shows the spreadsheet restored to its original state.
Now that you have shown your audience that you are a sensible person who shares their values and beliefs, the next step is to clearly state the specific purpose of your speech.
Then, after reading "Live your dream" they should be able to state more clearly their hopes for their lives.
Provide a means to state problems and opportunities clearly and unambiguously to promote mutual understanding.
This is when you totally have to "man-up" and speak your mind clearly & calmly... To state what you believe... what you can tolerate & where you have to "draw the line"...
As you work to develop the roles and responsibilities (if they are not already established), it's important to clearly state the authority a particular role holds, too.
This was clearly a tipping point for generation, but it does not represent the end state or final estimation of value to be realized.
First of all, I think it's important to clearly state your overall purpose and expectations.
It may, however, be derived indirectly from the state through an agency to which the power has been clearly and validly delegated.
The writer should state simply, clearly and concisely what he can sell or what he expects to buy.
It is difficult to convey emotion or intent in an email message, so you must clearly state what you mean to say.
It is difficult to convey emotion or intent in an email message, so you must clearly state what you mean to say.