It takes guts to make a choice and gumption to stick with it.
If you don't enjoy doing something you aren't going to stick with it.
It takes work, you've got to stick with it, but the results will last forever.
Intel has already revealed this plan publicly and plans to stick with it.
But you need to stick with it and use it every day until the season changes.
After you get through the first three weeks, it becomes far easier to stick with it.
If you are on the right track and willing to stick with it, you will succeed in the end!
Or maybe you don’t – you hate your job but you have to stick with it because you need the money.
Or maybe you don't - you hate your job but you have to stick with it because you need the money.
Vince has called a meeting for Wednesday to discuss whether to pull the ads and remake the ad campaign entirely or to stick with it.
They said, well, there's two of us vs one of you, if you don't believe in this business enough to stick with it you should just leave.
If you tell friends or family that "I'm going to lose 40 pounds" or "I'm going to exercise three times a week", you're probably going to stick with it.
It's something I really enjoy, and there's the added bonus of positive public pressure (that's you, the readers) that has motivated me to stick with it.
A leader, once convinced a particular course of action is the right one, must have the determination to stick with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough.
I'm going to stick with it till it's gone, but my face is skin is definitely softer, acne is healing faster, though still there, and I have an overall brightness.
Once you've done that once or twice and you decide to stick with it, you are sticking with it not because you are chasing adrenaline, it's because you believe what you are doing is important.
Now that we've figured out the ancient Greek meaning of pneumonia, we can stick it together with peri to get the peripheumon-their word for a lung problem.
既然我们弄明白古希腊语单词 pneumon的意思了,我们就可以把它与前缀peri 组合到一起,得到单词peripheumon ——古希腊人用它来指称肺部病症。
If you love to swim or dance, you may find it easier to stick with an exercise program that is built around these activities.
With a stick in my hand, it is not strange for people to do so.
The quality of our life is directly influenced by what we focus on. When it comes to learning, stick with topics that add value to your life.
If you come up with more than five things, stick to five anyway. It will clarify your priorities and values that much more.
Most people use the less effective method of multi-changing, and fail to stick with things, and blame it on their “lack of discipline”.
It doesn't solve the dilemma of determinism but at least it provides a stick with which to fend it off.
Whatever routine you decide on, stick with it long enough to see if it works and tweak it gently and one thing at a time if it doesn't.
No one wants to live like that, which means you can't stick with it long-term.
I finally decided not to sweat it and just stick with the original Atkins diet program.
I finally decided not to sweat it and just stick with the original Atkins diet program.