He tried to stiffen his wavering soldiers.
This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells.
Glue the ends of the ribbons to stiffen them up and make threading easier.
To stiffen the shells, we added narrow carbon covered foam ribs on the inside.
He was a solider whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl.
The state propaganda tries to stiffen the people's resolve to resist NATO and defend their Brother Leader.
The end of the frames at the short ends of the building and the stair also serve to stiffen the building.
It's capable of grasping objects via manipulation of the cables, which allows it to stiffen around a target.
Causes the weak one to stiffen, enables the beginner also to establish and to manage its specialized website!
Another will be to stiffen official resolve in America and elsewhere to tackle cyber aggression more forcefully.
Supposedly to stiffen Gazans’ resolve, the Qassam Brigades have begun to suppress the emerging good life in the strip.
Supposedly to stiffen Gazans' resolve, the Qassam Brigades have begun to suppress the emerging good life in the strip.
What happens is the fluid that's sprayed into each fibre of the yarn starts to stiffen up and resist that mechanical strain.
In any case, the United States had no choice but to stiffen its position, whether in preparation for negotiation or for resistance.
In order to stiffen floor joists and add to their strength, it is normal in Britain to fix strutting between hem at regular intervals.
Turkey's penal code has been tweaked to stiffen penalties not only for those who commit honour killings but also for those who plan them.
After hurting itself several times, the body of the scorpion begins to stiffen. Then the gecko will relax itself and eat the scorpion happily.
The man who has lost this pleasure or exchanged it for the pleasure of dogma, which is the pleasure of answering, is already beginning to stiffen.
But one advantage the Latvians have over their Celtic brethren is that Soviet oppression lingers in living memory, helping to stiffen national resolve.
Communing with history is another way to stiffen the laxity of a vacation: famous buildings, battlefields and landmarks are popular and lucrative draws.
Thirty-three inch deep floors made of prefabricated steel trusses would act as supports to stiffen the outside walls against the buckling forces of the wind-load pressures.
Some people suggest that Mr Netanyahu has deliberately stirred up this wave of speculation about an Israeli strike in an effort to stiffen international sanctions against Iran.
These consist of shock absorbers, like those used in passive systems, but they can be adjusted to relax or stiffen when necessary.
Mr de Villepin said this week that he would stiffen the law so as to punish those who are “involved in and encourage” such attacks, not only those who perpetrate them.
When her handlers tried to take her into a building, she would stiffen her legs and resist.
If the body is low in magnesium it is forced to take it from muscles and without enough magnesium in muscles they stiffen up or contract at liberty.
If the body is low in magnesium it is forced to take it from muscles and without enough magnesium in muscles they stiffen up or contract at liberty.