I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia.
On my way to Beijing I plan to stop over for a few days in Hankou.
I'm flying to Beijing and I plan to stop over in Sydney on the way.
I want to leave you but go to, the battle cry of the history disallows to stop over again.
I have a reservation to fly direct from New York to San Francisco, but I'd like to stop over in Chicago. Could you arrange it for me?
The head of a string of pigs appeared, snout-up, over the ditch, he had to screech to a stop and watch the rear of the last pig disappear on the other side.
Finally, they tied the trees to small sticks to stop them from falling over.
Your aim is to be more aware of them, and use certain techniques to stop their power over you.
It is even harder for software groups and entertainment companies to stop music and films being digitally cracked and reproduced over the Internet and on CDs and DVDs.
Last Friday, two Apple customers filed a federal lawsuit in Florida against Apple over the issue and asked a judge to stop the company from collecting users' location data.
Finally I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and walked over to stop the fight before they did themselves serious damage.
If your marital bliss is ruined by financial disagreements, use these six steps to stop fighting over money, once and for all.
But no sooner did William stop his playing and turn to get over hedge than the bull would stop his smiling and lower his horns towards the seat of William's breeches.
There's no reason to think this volatility will stop just because the summer is over, market observers say.
To stop fighting over money, you have to assess what money means to you and your partner.
The elections are over, the rhetoric should stop, it's time to go back to work.
Taking a stop over at the “Explore” button, you’re taken to a selection of the publicly-published work where you can read at will.
Stop to help. The next time you see someone pulled over with a flat tire, or in need of assistance, stop and ask how you can help.
The previous examples stop right before they have to iterate over the items in the order, and for good reason: the templating systems they use can't do that iteration within a template definition.
So if you are my friend, and I started to treat you negatively, then over time, we would stop being friends.
"So, we saw that we could basically make axons grow over these stop signs, so that they can start to grow like a crazy driver," he said.
When the virus hit, he handed over the samples to one of the scientists trying to stop the virus.
When we finally decided to stop, we noticed that the truck was marked with tiny foot and hand prints all over.
With Maurizio out of the way, she figured there was nothing to stop her from taking over the company herself.
It's done it's over so stop dwelling, choose to forgive yourself (it is a choice not just some feeling that washes over you), learn from it and move on.
And above all, we must stop disparaging digital prowess just because some of us over 40 don't happen to possess it.
The vast nature of the Internet, however, makes it essentially impossible to stop something, or take it down, once it has gone out over multiple servers.
Stop over-analyzing things. - There comes a time when you have to stop evaluating something and just bite the bullet and do it.
Stop over-analyzing things. - There comes a time when you have to stop evaluating something and just bite the bullet and do it.