She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business.
You have to play your strengths like a fiddle if you are to succeed in business.
If you want to succeed in business, please Jinlun, here has the most attractive business guide.
This is perhaps the highest morality you can instill. But don't expect them to succeed in business.
Bill Gates once remarked that the key to succeed in business is to innovate and make yourself obsolete.
To succeed in business, your power players must be social, stable and smart, but most of all, they must win.
If they want to succeed in business competitions, higher vocational colleges should attach importance to marketing.
They will have to work hard to determine for themselves the extent of load necessary and sufficient to succeed in business.
This arguer claims that a recent study suggests that left-handed people are more likely to succeed in business than right-handed people.
In order for them to succeed in business, they have often had to behave like men; this has earned these tough businesswomen a lot of enemies.
The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business-or almost anywhere else for that matter.
Dan made his West End and Broadway debut with Equus, and will once again return to the stage next year with the musical How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.
同时丹还以《恋马狂》开启了自己伦敦西区与百老汇的戏剧之路,并很快将于明年返回舞台,上演音乐剧《成功之路》。 生日快乐,丹!
COSMOS petrochemical purpose is to succeed in business while the competition can become a driving force for social progress, to use scientific and technological achievements of the future.
MBA programs don't have a monopoly on advanced business knowledge: you can teach yourself everything you need to know to succeed in life and at work.
Not all of us have beauty, a great business manager, or a platform to reach millions, but all of us are capable of applying the traits I noticed in these women to our own efforts to succeed.
Do we need a different perspective to guide our analysis of the business and of services before we can succeed in identify the correct set of simple, composable, services?
DS: I've always believed that software development is critical to any organization that wants to succeed in a modern business climate.
If you want to succeed in the digital music or downloadable TV business, you'll do things his way.
To succeed in the global marketplace, IBM must define the architecture required to support global e-business and focus on the enabling technology to provide the key capabilities for globalization.
Allen deeply wants his company to succeed, but he's not in this business just to make money.
The lack of understanding is almost the definition of that appeal to the business side, but it is important to foresee your company future in order to succeed.
"Our unique business model, which is very hard for our competitors or potential competitors to replicate, is the formula that will help us succeed," explains Chuah, who founded Cosway in 1979.
However, 10 years later, Business School missed out on a lot in terms of teaching me the skills needed to succeed in my career and life.
Underneath Gaga's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today.
在Lady Gaga干草堆一样的假发背后是一个值得我们研究的个例,那就是如今在音乐商业领域获得成功的代价究竟是什么?
Underneath Gaga's haystack wigs is a case study of what it takes to succeed in the music business today.
In order for your business idea to succeed, you must spend serious time and attention on sales.
If you have come together for business or professional reasons, you would succeed quite well in professions relating to these fields.
Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson.
Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits. ~ Robert Louis Stevenson.