Workers who commute by car, bus or train to the office are more likely to suffer from stress and exhaustion, according to researchers from Lund University in Sweden.
Women are twice as likely to suffer from severe stress and anxiety as men, according to a 2016 study published in The Journal of Brain & Behavior.
A lot of stress is brought about by imagining negative future scenarios, if we were to live completely in the present we would not suffer from this stress.
They also tend to suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome, nightmares, paranoia, aggressive and violent behavior and depression, say members of the World Bank team supporting the projects.
Women are more likely to suffer from depression and stress out than their cool male counterparts.
So, it turns out that you don't have to risk life and limb, save lives or suffer from stress-induced stomach ulcers to make a decent salary.
所以,看来你不仅不需要押上性命就可以有高工资,而只要你好好活着,努力干活,就可以了。 虽然有时还是会出现由于压力大而引起胃溃疡的情况,但相比来说,应该还是可以接受的。
But Kripke said it was possible that people who slept longer tended to suffer from sleep apnea, a condition where impaired breathing puts stress on the heart and brain.
And for the more than 75% of Americans who suffer from stress-related conditions, according to the American Psychiatric Association, these findings may give them new help for managing stress.
The single most important thing to know if you suffer from panic attacks or general stress is proper breathing.
And researchers found people who are addicted to the Internet may suffer from great stress when they are disconnected from the net.
People who work in the financial sector suffer from a variety of stress-induced health problems, but companies have done little to address the problems, medical and employment specialists said.
But sadly it's not all good news: 'If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome, stress-hormone levels may increase, causing your skin to produce oil,' she adds.
In the stress of getting his journals and the reports on them ready for publication, Darwin began to suffer from an unknown illness.
Younger chicks also suffer from elevated levels of stress hormones that are 109 percent higher than in senior chicks in the first 15 to 20 days of life.
Though some people do benefit from regular medication while in jail, others suffer as the stress deepens their depression, intensifies delusions or leads to a psychotic break.
Thus, the products are easy to suffer from short molding, scorching, excessive internal stress other defects.
Thus, the products are easy to suffer from short molding, scorching, excessive internal stress and other defects.
Military veterans who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder often turn to tobacco for help in regaining an even mood.
A study from Stony Brook University, New York, found that stress, anger and worry fade after your 50th. Women were also reported to suffer greater stress, worry and sadness at all ages.
A survey on the quality of life for aged female patients of stress urinary incontinence shows that, most of them suffer from a low-quality life due to their lack of awareness of the disease.
In addition, people who suffer from high levels of stress tend to have trouble sleeping, be overweight, have trouble concentrating, and are easily irritated.
In addition, people who suffer from high levels of stress tend to have trouble sleeping, be overweight, have trouble concentrating, and are easily irritated.