I wanted to take a shower but I forgot we made applesauce in it last night.
He went out wearing a pair of clogs. It seems that he went to take a shower.
I am tired. My legs are giving out, my brain is going to neutral, I need to take a shower and go to bed.
That allows someone time to take a shower or even go for a quick swim without having to wear the charger.
When we step too close to something morally unsavoury at a business meeting or a party, we say: "I wanted to take a shower."
People who are chronically late underestimate how long it will take them to take a shower, get dressed, and reach a destination.
Wash your face, Kitty. Sorry, I have to take a shower, and then I'll take part in the Talk show. The washing room is over there.
We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower at a bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter.
We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower in the bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter.
We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower in the bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter.
Beauty love to take a shower, generally, women demanded higher of the space that defend bath, both elegant and generous clean and tidy.
He and a partner rented a room at a local hotel and then marketed it to ger dwellers, who lack running water, as a place to take a shower or a bath.
Playing playing with his backwards, accidentally fell on the pot, to a "sun", "oh, little niuniu, you want to take a shower bath also don't hurry!"
Actually, I don't know if this is my problem, well, I need to take a shower every time I go swimming immediately if I don't want any red spots on my body.
Showers at home are a simple walk to the bathroom. However, it is a process at college to take a shower; it involves gathering up a shower basket, towel, and sandals.
It wasn't until I started tracking how long it actually took me to take a shower and get out of the house did I understand that I needed to get up about 20 minutes earlier.
Second, even the students make up their minds to keep pet in the dormitory, they have to take care of the pet, like to take a shower, to deal with the pet's shit and to drive away the terrible smell.
She went out, leaving Rachel to undress and take a shower.
Take a warm shower or bath to warm up your muscles beforehand, then lie on the floor and stretch.
Take a hot shower to pre-warm your muscles or put your clothes in the dryer on hot for a few minutes then head out for your run.
I used to be one of those people who likes to take a quick shower in the morning and get on with my day.
If you are capable of brushing your teeth in mindfulness, then you will be able to enjoy the time when you take a shower, cook your breakfast, sip your tea.
At 10pm on night one, instead of my usual wind-down glass of wine, I'd take a wake-up shower and set off to work, where I would struggle to stay alert until 8am.
I asked him what he meant. He replied, still very emotional, "I get home from school, take a shower, put on my pajamas, do my homework, eat dinner, play or read then go to bed."
Don't cuss, chew gum, burp, take off your shoes, forget to shower or do anything else that's not appropriate in a business setting.
Set aside one night weekly for active recreation; take time daily for you, whether it's a long shower or listening to Mozart; and schedule routine chores on weekdays so weekends are free.
Listen to Music and Take a Hot Shower - Music injects positive, motivational influence into your mind.
Listen to Music and Take a Hot Shower - Music injects positive, motivational influence into your mind.