A tour guide is leading a tour group to a railway station. They want to take a train from Beijing to Guangzhou.
As promised, it really was a “treat” to take a train across this great country. I’d happily sit down and go all the way back.
On our last day in Zermatt we decided to take a train to bring us up to 3000m where we could see the highest mountains of Switzerland.
Jolie receives a secret note. She's to take a train from Paris to Venice, pick an average tourist and fool her pursuers into thinking that this stranger is Pearce.
Of course, it is not like you can take an unemployed waiter and train him to be a doctor in a few weeks, no matter who pays for it.
I thought about getting the train, but that would have meant a bus journey as well, and I couldn't be bothered so I decided to take a taxi eventually.
It will be a good choice to take the high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqian next year.
Inside the box, Sunee saw something uncommon. It was a red silk umbrella. She had never seen anything like it! "Shipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time," said Grandmother "Packages traveled by train and ship. It could take many months to get a package from across the ocean. How long did your package take to arrive?"
They get off the train to explore a different town, city, or wherever their projects take them.
They take some comfort from the variety of routes into Stratford, including the Jubilee Line and the new Javelin train from st Pancras, but will be desperate to avoid a millennium eve style meltdown.
The train driver provided plenty of time to take in these sights by driving in a particularly relaxed manner.
Considering everyone's budgets, travel schedules, comfort, and other concerns, she recommends that if the RV isn't drivable within five days, we take a train to Orlando.
This approach may have provided a nice gravy train but firms need to take risks to innovate for the future.
So let's take a look at some "happiness" exercises you can employ right now that will train your brain and, hopefully, put you on the path to happiness.
Take time to train sports skills exclusively and perform repeat drills once a week. This is another area where working with a coach or trainer is essential.
He agreed that a train did come into the station at the time on the paper and that it did stop, but only to take on mail, not passengers.
While I don’t take the train, the value of converting “down time” to productive time is a pretty attractive one.
While I don't take the train, the value of converting "down time" to productive time is a pretty attractive one.
It is a form of entertainment that we can take with us on the train or bus, on holidays, and we can take it to bed with us.
Over one particularly grueling Spring Festival commuting experience, He and Shi went in together on a second-hand car to avoid having to take the train during the holiday crush.
My friends who have been running for longer are trying to convince me to train for a marathon in the fall. Not sure if I'm ready to take that leap.
And if you don't want to do it, there's a bus station I'm sure down the street, a train station down the street - take those.
When asked, he tossed out an estimate for his take from sales of the app, a simple program that shows train schedules: “$1 to $2 per day.”
Norway's King Harald V and Queen Sonja — who had planned to fly Thursday to Copenhagen for the Danish queen's 70th birthday — were looking to take a "car, boat or train."
It may take a lot of discipline and time to train yourself to eat well but it's incredibly worthwhile for your short term and long term goals.
These days, this luxurious train still makes the journey from Paris across Europe to Istanbul, but it does it just once a year and it's a journey some wait a lifetime to take.
Welcome to take subway line 13, the next station is ---, terminal of the train, --- is a transfer station, passengers for line- please prepare to get off the train.
欢迎您乘坐地铁13 号线列车,列车运行前方是本次列车的终点站--- , --- 是换乘车站,换乘地铁- 号线的乘客请在---站下车。
Welcome to take subway line 13, the next station is ---, terminal of the train, --- is a transfer station, passengers for line- please prepare to get off the train.
欢迎您乘坐地铁13 号线列车,列车运行前方是本次列车的终点站--- , --- 是换乘车站,换乘地铁- 号线的乘客请在---站下车。