Create your own blogs or video material and be willing to take on board the Suggestions which get made in response.
A good chunk of your speech should therefore acknowledge your new father-in-law's speech and to take on board the points raised.
The interplay of light, both natural and synthetic, hitting the surface creates an exciting direction for denim to take on board.
Three retired firemen are on the bus. They advise us to take large rocks on board to smash our way out, should we crash.
Board directors must have relevant industry expertise to advise management on major business issues and how much risk to take.
The Master shall take necessary measures to protect the ship and all persons on board, the documents, postal matters, the goods as well as other property carried.
The answers offered by an analysis of the past are more general; they relate to scale and they are actions that we can take on board, though we may not like their message.
You don't have to take all feedback on board however, it is a good idea to at least consider it.
You don't need to take it all, or even part of it, on board and you don't need to help them every single time.
Three retired firemen are traveling on the bus. They advise us to take large rocks on board to smash our way out, should we should crash.
A lot of people take this on board, internalize it and it can really start to affect them.
While I think it's important to be aware of current events and what's going on locally, nationally and internationally I think we also need to limit what we take on board.
In its next report, currently slated to appear in 2014, it will doubtless take the new Oxford work on board.
Before diving again, they take a GPS bearing, which an on-board computer uses to navigate by.
The foundation for the alignment should be established within the first month, although it may take another month to achieve full alignment as key stakeholders are brought on board.
I have encountered many permanently cranky people in the workplace who would do well to take this philosophy on board.
If you ever wanted to take a trip to the International Space Station, or fly on board a rocket into orbit, now's your chance.
Airbus's A320, a single-aisle aircraft, was eating into Boeing's market share, and the board had decided to take on Airbus in a price war.
Mr Greenspan’s model is the Resolution Trust Corporation (on whose board he served), created in 1989 to take over failing thrifts, sell their assets, then close itself down.
格林斯潘的模型就是美国清债信托公司的模型(他是其董事会成员)。 该公司建立于1989年,目的是接管经营不善的企业,变卖其资产并将其关闭。
Now I have to take the mini bus, one of these VW vans with up to 40 of us on board.
"That term implies you are there to take photos and hang out," Garriott says. "I'm trying to prove you can actually be a valuable contributor to the activities on board the space station."
The state board of education voted on March 22nd to take over the school district, effective in mid-June.
In Medal of Honor, when a helicopter is hit over the mountain of Takur Ghar, the men on board leap out and take the fight to the enemy.
Riders seat allows collection, balance, steering, forward movement and control of the horse to take place, as well as providing the rider with stability and balance when on board.
In a study currently undergoing peer review, researchers found a significant link between board diversity and willingness to take on risk.
In a study currently undergoing peer review, researchers found a significant link between board diversity and willingness to take on risk.