Ask friends to take pity on you during allergy season and help with outdoor chores.
I used to take pity on his ill fate, but he is significantly increasing my workload.
People tend to take pity on me because I am so sensitive. Sometimes I feel like a petted animal.
Compassion in the Buddhism of sages means to take pity on other people and on all beings, cherish them, and nurture them.
If you are disabled, it is probably not your fault, but it is no good blaming the world or expecting it to take pity on you.
Take pity on your grader, who is facing a huge stack of exams and would likely prefer shoveling coal to wading through the paper pile.
Sunflowers, very nice! But it was pity that we were on the highway, and could not go closer to take some better pictures for those lovely flowers.
Sunflowers, very nice! But it was pity that we were on the highway, and could not go closer to take some better pictures for those lovely flowers.