"Living green" is to take responsibility for protecting the earth.
The year 2019 might have been the turning point that will finally encourage us to take responsibility.
It's up to you, to take responsibility, to bridge the Ivory tower and Main Street.
We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century alone—all of us have to take responsibility and work together.
If it's impossible to be consistent, then we really don't have to take responsibility.
This is an important point in my life and I need to take responsibility for my actions.
I wanted the tobacco company to take responsibility for what they'd been doing to people.
It's amazing to see the young people-when they have to take responsibility, they feel motivated.
"We broke it, we bought it, we own it, " Ellis says. "Now we've got to take responsibility for it."
If our environment is a product of us, well jeez, that means we have to take responsibility for it, don’t we?
We have to take responsibility for our own emotions, rather than handing them over to our intimate other.
The firm will have to take responsibility said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano at a press conference.
It is time for boys and men to take responsibility to share the burden of work in the family," she noted.
The firm will have to take responsibility, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano at a press conference.
Soetoro-Ng says children need to know they are strong enough to take responsibility for themselves and others.
Ms Gratton's main message-that workers will have to take responsibility for their own future-makes good sense.
In the past week prominent clerics have said that he has failed to take responsibility for Iran's economic woes.
As I learned when I got to Washington, after things go wrong, the willingness to take responsibility often vanishes.
Last month new rules came into force in both Europe and California to oblige the industry to take responsibility for it.
They chose to take responsibility for their education and set goals for themselves. And I expectall of you to do the same.
但是他们从未放弃,他们选择要承担他们教育的责任,为自己的人生设定目标,我希望你们都能这样做。 。
The lesson of last year's financial collapse is that we all have to take responsibility for our finances by reading about the subject.
First, you must accept to take responsibility you would not take in the past and you must accept that you might do them not correctly.
When you delegate work, you’ll need to get used to asking other people to take responsibility for something you’d otherwise do yourself.
He got Morgan Stanley employees to take responsibility for their survival — which happened almost nowhere else that day in the Trade Center.
If you subsequently get upset, say that you will take responsibility for your tears and you want him to take responsibility for what you are saying.
But when you actually know the reasons, fear and unwillingness to take responsibility prevents you from talking openly about them and even think.
In the next two years, we will be able to take responsibility for security in more areas of the country, especially areas that are threatened right now.
We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century alone -- all of us have to take responsibility and work together.
The new republic became a charter member of NATO in 1949 and signed a treaty with the United States in 1951 to take responsibility for the defence of Iceland.
The new republic became a charter member of NATO in 1949 and signed a treaty with the United States in 1951 to take responsibility for the defence of Iceland.