Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take root.
Even the best ideas can fail to take root if project planning and execution are botched.
Time for such leisurely way through, and I miss and the memory was about to take root, grow.
But have such one people to take root in in the heart forever most some's profundity corners.
She decided to take root on the land when she returned back from her investigation trip on the farm.
This allows them to take root in undemanding applications within a new market or arena of competition.
Allow your best possibilities to take root and flower. In this moment right now is rich, fertile ground.
The banyan, you know, is a tree whose branches come down to the ground to take root and form new trunks.
Resilience and a hopeful outlook are desirable to everybody, and they must begin to take root in childhood.
对生活充满信心和保持乐观的态度是每个人都向往的,而 这种习惯其实应该在童年时期就开始扎根。
GGR6 is a kind of growth conditioner about plant, it can promote to take root, survive and grow on seedling.
Those who enter the field enterprises, in order to take root in one place, we must implement the country's brand strategy.
For the moment, the "green shoots" of economic recovery have seemingly yet to take root in the biopharmaceutical industry.
He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.
A wise man said that the worst of men is he who allows an evil desire to take root in his heart; for he shall lose his manhood.
It started off as a regular tree, but as it aged, its branches bent so low to the ground that they started to take root as well.
Since I came to Singapore in 2004, I have taken a fancy to this beautiful developed city and hoped to take root and live on it forever.
The spirit of work of the municipal telephone Bureau is to take root in China and serve the world as a whole with efficiency and high prestige.
If only everyone ensured that they were properly informed before allowing a feeling to take root, the world wouldn't be full of fools barking up the wrong tree!
The project for society to take root or to search for its roots suggests a possibility for modern society, which indicates a path opening to the knowledge-action theory.
New immigrants, driven by the trend in migration from the initial stage of fruiting bodies evolved to take root homeless, new immigrants literature burgeoned accordingly.
You can't just plant the same plants as Facebook, Flickr or Twitter and expect them to take root regardless of the quality of your gardeners or the climate of your organisation.
The growing tensions of urban water resources and water-saving ideas to take root makes the era of cost water with flood irrigation more gradually replaced by water-saving irrigation methods.
Methods 10 patients with a distal fingertip amputation to take root only method of arterial anastomosis replanted. Body in the replanted fingers after the end of a small incision bleeding drainage.
I take those visceral reactions to be a good sign, and something that should then compel us to explore the root of those feelings.
When in doubt, a gardener will try more plants or kinds of plants and see which take root; a landscaper may default to less.
First, I take the range of numbers from 1 to the target number's square root plus 1 (to make sure I catch all the factors).
首先,获取数的范围是从1到目标数的平方根加 1(确保能取到所有因子)。
First, I take the range of numbers from 1 to the target number's square root plus 1 (to make sure I catch all the factors).
首先,获取数的范围是从1到目标数的平方根加 1(确保能取到所有因子)。