He needed a period of peace and quiet in order to take stock of his life.
So today, with you, I want to take stock of our journey and chart our next steps.
The emperors periodically toured the four peaks in order to take stock of their realm.
But what if we could stop, pause to take stock of each precious moment before it passes?
The next day, Salla began to take stock of her life, and thought it was time to settle down.
In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock courageously, asking "What have I left?"
Consequently, it is entirely appropriate to take stock of the situation in the world's auto industry.
Many follow a two-year, full-time course because they wish to take stock and radically alter their career .
It's time to take stock of what we have achieved so far, so that we can make realistic plans for the future.
And to ensure that we keep our commitments, we agreed to continue to take stock of our efforts going forward.
Still it's useful to take stock of the roadblocks in order to develop an effective strategy for moving forward.
As part of a migration assessment, it is important to take stock of the various types of components in your application.
Before you can arrange your things or add new supplies, you'll need to take stock of what you already have at your desk.
Stop TB Partnership Board meets in Washington, D.C. to take stock of disease’s burden 10 years after movement’s founding.
From time to time it helps to take stock and think about the changes we could make to improve our home's emotional climate.
This is a great opportunity to take stock of what you absolutely love, things that work for you and will work in your new space.
With those stakes in mind, representatives from more than 120 nations went to Egypt to take stock of efforts to contain the virus.
Summertime’s also a great time to take stock of your friendships, since you have more time and aren’t as distracted by work or school.
Summertime's also a great time to take stock of your friendships, since you have more time and aren't as distracted by work or school.
Nonetheless, this era of prosperity and self-confidence should be a good time for Australians to take stock and confront any problems.
Having it all out beforehand allows you to take stock and determine if you're missing anything or if the layout you thought out works or not.
Now is an opportune time to take stock of what we have learned about good post-weaning management and nutrition practices with this goal in mind.
Still, the anniversary-loving Germans used October 3rd to take stock, yet again, of how their country has fared since becoming whole 20 years ago.
It is also time to take stock, though. Human activities are causing a mass extinction, but the right action now could pull life back from the brink.
Entering a new decade of life can be a perfect time to take stock of one's situation, reevaluate priorities and set career goals for the years ahead.
Entering a new decade of life can be a perfect time to take stock of one's situation, reevaluate priorities and set career goals for the years ahead.
Entering a new decade of life can be a perfect time to take stock of one's situation, reevaluate priorities and set career goals for the years ahead.