Don't forget that she's new to this game and will take a while to complete the task.
This allows the system administrator to inspect where the script failed so that immediate action can be taken to back-out the process or take an alternative action in completing the task.
What you have to do is to actually track the deltas between the time/effort you thought it would take to complete a task, and what really happened.
It will take some time for the paper document to be delivered, so the task duration is set to 20 minutes, while the resource duration is set to 15 minutes.
Let us take advantage of that by using search to filter our task list (to more quickly find the task we are looking for).
It is easy to take this as an important task with a pressing deadline (for you non-procrastinators, I will observe that deadlines really start to press a week or two after they pass.)
More than 15 years after NAFTA, the task for Mexico is to take full advantage of the trade agreement-and to go beyond it.
Similarly, instead of using two output criteria, you can use a decision after the task to decide which path in the flow to take.
By adding another person to your business you have someone else to help take on tasks and to help keep you on task.
With its vast, uninhabited coastline, mainland Australia would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.
Unless the piano player or map reader keeps that up, their skill level will diminish more quickly and take longer to recover than a person whose brain is wired to handle the task.
Agreeing on your technical solution may take quite some time, so you need to narrow the task to something that can be defined and agreed to in a short time.
Therefore, they were pulled from task to task to take care of other things during that six-week period.
So her research team approached people going into a cafe on campus to ask them to take part in a questionnaire, which included the word-scrambling task that primed them with thoughts of time or money.
This would lead to a selective pressure on men to take the task of propositioning very seriously indeed.
With its vast, uninhabited northern coastline, mainland Australia would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.
To take into account the time for the paper to be physically moved, the task durations were set to be longer than the resource durations.
So, if your company wants you to take on alegally sensitive task such as giving performance reviews, and you’venever done it before, don’t try to wing it.
As much as we're all dedicated to our organizations' missions, it's human nature to ask, "What's in it for me?" when asked to take on a task or change a behavior.
Because different team members may take different amounts of time to complete a task, it hardly makes sense to finalize a time estimate without an assignment.
Never give up on a task. Instead, learn to readjust your approach when necessary. It is okay to take a break if you are overly frustrated.
This article also introduces a human task based failover mechanism which enables the user to take corrective action and to rerun the service invocation.
It too can force ordinary people to confront horrific scenes and to take on the terrible task of triage - deciding who can be saved and who must be consigned to the dead.
Currently the process has started to take up to 5 hours to complete, and my task is to make sure the application can run in a clustered, multithreaded environment.
Your book surprised me because you really take parents to task for paying more attention to their technology than to their children.
Mr Nkunda's extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task.
The pressing task for the international community and individual countries is to take further measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible.
The pressing task for the international community and individual countries is to take further measures to restore market confidence as soon as possible.