We might want to think that these three groups should agree, or should tend towards or strive towards an agreement.
Their hypothesis is that cultures prone to anxiety tend towards systems that emphasise social harmony and away from ones that emphasise individuals’ independence of each other.
An inquiry posed to a particular vendor would naturally tend to result in an answer skewed towards that vendor's own product's capabilities.
Open-minded people tend to be more optimistic towards life in general. This ties in with the fact that open-minded people are able to “see both sides of the coin”.
Now, we might want to think that these three groups should agree, or should tend towards or strive towards agreement.
We tend to feel malicious envy towards another person if we think their success is undeserved.
Even these companies have been migrating somewhat towards "free as in beer" (gratis) software for individuals, but they tend to shy away from "free as in speech" (libre).
在某种程度上即便是这些公司已经开始为个人提供免费软件,但他们大都对真正意义的自由 软件望而却步。
Why sometimes we tend to value balance, while otherwise we tend to lean towards one of the ends?
Nowadays, we tend to gravitate towards more natural looking solutions.
Allowing companies to hedge their risks is the whole point of the instrument. But if the rules favour them over financial companies, trading will tend to migrate towards them, and away from Banks.
When we experience the things we love, we tend to carry that positive attitude towards the following actions.
I mean, as in society, within our profession entrepreneurship, we tend to the gravitate towards stories of the big fish that's caught.
I tend to be drawn towards songwriters who tell stories, who can move you in some way, whether it's about life and love or injustice.
And it has been confirmed that personality profile Type c-people that tend towards melancholy, depression, and excessive worry-are prone to develop cancer.
If someone who is living a life with disability, who feels that your thought would tend to lead towards decisions to end their life.
Cons: Fedora's priorities tend to lean towards enterprise features, rather than desktop usability.
Due to the absence of cognition and judgment towards the teaching purpose, people tend to become aware of its social value while neglecting the awareness of the individual itself.
My contention is that financial markets tend towards these strange attractors not to equilibrium.
This can cause them to feel bad about themselves and when depression hits, it can tend towards the extreme.
Although it feels good to work towards your dreams and doing the things you love I find that things tend to go better and I feel better if there is a balance.
People with high EQs often have positive attitudes towards life and are open to different ideas, so they tend to be more creative in their thinking.
They can't see...... They tend to...... in my opinion, one should build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own abilities.
When setbacks crop up, people tend to complain about their bad luck though such complains can offer nothing towards their solution.
Pay attention today and notice whether you tend to move towards separation or towards connection. Pay attention today and notice whether that is working well for you.
New York summers are notoriously hot and stuffy but towards the end of August, temperatures tend to drop to a pleasant degree.
Furthermore, it is undeniable that students tend to be more enthusiastic towards classes in which they can participate and interact.
With an excess, the insured would tend to be more careful because if a claims occur, the insured also has to be out of pocket and contribute towards the claim.
With an excess, the insured would tend to be more careful because if a claims occur, the insured also has to be out of pocket and contribute towards the claim.