If these measures also reduce unemployment, that is all to the good.
God can turn a misdeed to the good of the injured person and bring trouble on the offender.
Customers may be willing to buy a company's products as an indirect way to donate to the good causes it helps.
I'd also like to bring your attention to the good work that the Sea Life Centre is doing in support of animal conservation.
Go back to the good old days of blank tabs.
And if the planet happens to be saved on the way, that is all to the good.
Mom: They have little trouble in the public places now. Thanks to the good social services.
Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before.
The only press I would get would be related to the good things I'd do with that campaign money.
Although Ms. Jones no longer has that title, she believes she has a right to the good side of her name.
Armed with a passport to the good life in a time and place of our choice, not many will pass on the journey.
Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.
Operating a successful business is supposed to be a ticket to the good life -- but sometimes it comes at a cost.
"If that's the response to whatever it is that happens to men in midlife, then it's all to the good," Pollard says.
He added that the personal attention of leaders of both countries also contribute to the good bilateral relationship.
These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined.
The best you can do is stay strong while you fight to find your way and try and hold on to the good things which are left in your life.
"Thanks to the good food and good company, I have to skip the museum tour as I am now running a bit late for the next event, " she admitted.
I never got a chance to say goodbye to the good boy, but I take solace knowing he was with my mother, who doted on him like a son once I was out of the house.
Mr Daniels, unrepentant about his rash merger, nevertheless seems eager to get back to the good old-fashioned prudence that made Lloyds TSB dull but successful.
In this example I simply reframed the content of what has happened. I've changed your view about the situation and took your focus off the bad aspects to the good ones.
This happens whenever we become angry, hostile, bitter, spiteful, manipulative, or vengeful when others do not respond favourably to the good news we bring to them.
And what they're looking for is a return to the good old days when, in 1995, Japanese exporters had 95% of the global DVD market and 40% of the global market for memory chips.
When an employee goes public with a video or E-mail, employers "have a much greater likelihood of showing damage to reputation or to the good will of the business," Feher says.
We love to read and everything we read is a page Turner, all to the good; but the fact is our fascination with reading isn't simply a fascination that takes the form of having fun.
Tiger has conveniently added enum support to the good old switch statement, so it's easy-to-use and fits right in with what you already know. Listing 6 shows you how to pull this off
For upon the first day of the first month began he to go up from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of his God upon him.
At that point, the "Holy Roman" emperor, Henry iv, gives ground in a bitter power struggle with the papacy, begs the Pope's forgiveness and is readmitted to the good graces of the church.
Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.
Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.