Because P and S waves travel at different but fairly constant speeds, the interval between their arrivals increases in proportion to the distance from the earthquake focus, or initial rupture point.
由于P波和S 波以不同但相当恒定的速度传播,它们到达的间隔与到震源或初始破裂点的距离成比例地增加。
The formal definition is that the gravitational potential energy at a point P is the work that I, Walter Lewin, have to do to bring that mass from infinity to that point P.
But I don't care about that force because I'm going to take the torque about point p.
So, the position of this point, p, is going to be the same as OP knowing the vector OP from the origin to this moving point.
p2 It's taking the name p 1 and it's changing its value to point to exactly what p 2 points to.
Share index futures dropped 99 points to 3, 995.0, a 146.3 point discount to the close of the underlying S&P/ASX 200 index .AXJO.
澳大利亚股指期货下跌99点,至3 995.0,比该期货标的——澳大利亚S&P/ASX200指数.AXJO在上一交易日收盘时的点位低146.3。
At that point, typing the Control-p key combination writes the contents of the screen to your output file.
此时,键入Control - p组合键,将屏幕内容写到输出文件。
Well, at point P, the velocity vector QP is perpendicular to the line QP, 1 so the sine of that angle is one.
It's fine to schedule meetings at any point in the day—but schedule only the most unimportant ones after 3 p. m.
I should like to point out that our prices were calculated without insurance for any special risk. So we applied for the usual W. P. A. coverage and let our customers deal with the matter of breakage.
There isn't a fixed way to choose parameter P in inverse Point translation method which can accelerate the convergence in power method.
Because of this way to the same ground point, the S-wave static correction is often much greater than the P-wave.
Given the velocity ratio of S-to P-waves, the depth of reflector and the offset, the horizontal distance between source and the converting point can be determined by solving a quartic equation.
Given the velocity ratio of S-to P-waves, the depth of reflector and the offset, the horizontal distance between source and the converting point can be determined by solving a quartic equation.