These Numbers apply to the vast majority of Americans.
It doesn't magically happen to the vast majority of people.
We lead immensely privileged lives, compared to the vast majority of our fellow human beings.
Almost anything can be a source of a phobia, no matter how harmless it may seem to the vast majority of us.
Our sewing machines from the ordinary to the vast majority of large-scale plane from Japan, Italy, Germany direct import.
Now you are grown, also suffer from the heart, with my blessing, to the vast majority of children, to go to in the world.
Britain is home to the vast majority of Europe's funds and fears that plans to tighten the rules would disadvantage the City of London.
More sophisticated genetics research will help explain the combination of genetic factors contributing to the vast majority of the obese population.
"Guyu", there is a beautiful legend, passed a year ago to the vast majority of ordinary people to the Jade Emperor Millet, leaving enough for the day meal.
Second, the iMac, unlike the Dell, is immune to the vast majority of malicious software floating around, so you don't have to run annoying, memory-hogging security programs.
Most U. s. investors are unlikely to feel much direct impact from China's stock fall, because the shares traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen are off-limits to the vast majority of foreigners.
With judicious use of these techniques, you can expand your reach to the vast majority of devices, even old-school "feature phones", even form factors like watches and TVs, regardless of make and OS.
The vast majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by their parents.
The vast majority of American parents who pay allowance tie it to the completion of housework.
The rub is, if the vast majority of people increasingly agree that climate change is a global emergency, there's far less agreement on how to fix it.
It has been suggested, therefore, that in traditional usability engineering, features should have to fight to be included, because the vast majority of them are rarely used anyway.
I want to emphasize that the vast majority of subjects we have data on have not had long-lasting symptoms.
To date, the vast majority of cases have been detected and investigated in comparatively well-off countries.
These and other developed nations will continue to account for the vast majority of product and service sales over the next decade, with a few notable exceptions, like China.
To me that says, for the vast majority of you, there's lots of room for improvement.
If you do, it will be impossible to fix the vast majority of the critical usability problems that the test uncovers.
The vast majority appears to have engaged to protect narrow tax privileges, or even seek new breaks.
Researchers stressed that, on an individual basis, the risks to women remain small and the vast majority of vitamin users will not develop cancer.
Reputableagencies send the vast majority of cash donations to the disaster site; therest goes for administration, operating expenses, and monitoring the efficiencyof their own operations.
Most major disciplinary journals, though, score 1 to 2, the vast majority score below 1, and some are hardly visible at all.
The DAS model covers the direct attachment of storage to the platform and represents the vast majority of storage use.
The DAS model covers the direct attachment of storage to the platform and represents the vast majority of storage use.