When you let other people diminish you, you do a disservice not only to yourself but to the whole human race.
A flesheating virus from Hell. If it gets back to Earth as a result of future expeditions here, the whole human race will die screaming.
There is of course the greater awakening that is affecting the Human Race as a whole, but the energies being beamed to Earth take time to lift people up.
Traditional energy sources have inflicted great damage to the Earth with global warming being a real and very serious issue for the whole of the human race.
Our knowledge of medical science is already sufficient to improve the health of the whole human race.
The lesson we have to learn is that our dislike for certain persons, or even for the whole human race, does not give us any right to injure our fellow creatures, however odious they may be.
The lesson we have to learn is that our dislike for certain persons, or even for the whole human race, does not give us any right to injure our fellow creatures, however odious they may be.