Great credit is due to Tony Blair for persevering.
To Tony Blair Africa is somewhere which needs healing or saving and sierra leone gets a lot of British aid.
To Tony Blair, Africa is somewhere which needs healing or saving, and Sierra Leone gets a lot of British aid.
Both were special advisers (David to Tony Blair, Ed to Gordon Brown) before entering Parliament and vaulting into the cabinet.
Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.
Separately, the Iraq inquiry in Britain questioned Alastair Campbell, former press secretary to Tony Blair, who strongly defended the decision to go to war and the evidence that supported it.
It was only a few years ago that Tony Blair himself came out to his tent, almost snogged the Mad Dog, and proclaimed a new era of cooperation between Britain and Libya .
The speech also gave me a chance to publicly thank Tony Blair for his friendship and our partnership.
He dropped in for lunch with Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, and took television cameras with him to a London job centre.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair proposed to his now wife Cherie while she was cleaning the toilet during a holiday in Italy, according to a new television documentary.
Humphrey was kept on by John Major, but was sacked when Tony Blair entered office in 1997, with Cherie Blair thought to have been responsible for blackballing him.
约翰·梅杰(JohnMajor)继续收留了汉弗莱,但是托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)1997入主之后解雇了它,据说切莉·布莱尔(Cherie)要为对它投反对票负责。
As one of the boys' mothers put it: "I hope to God that he grows up to be like Tony Blair or just a fraction like him."
Tony Blair today came face to face with the uncomfortable consequences of his decision when the father of one of the 178
Former British prime minister Tony Blair said he expects this meeting to focus on ways of further integrating dynamic East and South Asia into the world economy.
Then we went with Tony and Cherie Blair, Bertie Ahern, and George Mitchell to a large meeting of both Catholics and Protestants in the Odyssey Arena.
Tony Blair famously flew to Australia to get on his knees to Murdoch in order to gain his support before the 1997 election.
Tony Blair and some members of Congress thought it was time to send in ground troops, while the House of Representatives voted to deny the use of troops without prior approval of Congress.
I had gotten George Mitchell involved again, and we had done our best to help Bertie Ahern and Tony Blair avoid this day.
I was privy to the row at a European Council meeting in 2002 when Tony Blair and Jacques Chirac went head-to-head over the impact of agricultural protectionism on poor African countries.
In 1999, when Tony Blair, then prime minister, launched an initiative to attract more foreign students to Britain, only Australia and America were seen as real rivals.
But after Tony Blair came to power in 1997, new threats emerged.
Tony Blair, Britain's prime minister, said this week that "a major part" of the answer to Iraq lies outside the country, in the region as a whole.
He said: "Tony Blair was keen to fight alongside the Americans, he should be equally keen in giving out the same amount of death benefits to relatives of British troops killed."
Mr Cameron had planned to be more circumspect abroad than Tony Blair.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's verdant governor, and Britain's prime minister, Tony Blair, both sent messages of support to the mayor.
Campbell told the Guardian: "Tony Blair valued their regular private conversations and respects Prince Charles's right to speak up on important issues."
Campbell told the Guardian: "Tony Blair valued their regular private conversations and respects Prince Charles's right to speak up on important issues."