Talks are under way to toughen trade restrictions.
They jab tree trunks to toughen their hands and practice squatting with other students sitting on their shoulders to build the leg strength.
But if you're going to work in Brooklyn, you got to toughen up.
The new dual-functional toughening agent SWR -3c was used to toughen nylon (PA) 6.
This began the whole practice of training actors to toughen them up for roles as soldiers.
The rubber crumb modified by heavy oil and styrene copolymer was used to toughen waste PP.
To grow up is to experiment, to toughen yourself up through erring, and finally to become wise.
Members of the Senate also are pushing to give the White House new tools to toughen policy toward China.
To subject (glass or metal) to a process of heating and slow cooling in order to toughen and reduce brittleness.
Their methods include the use of strips of ion-exchanging plastic, braided with polystyrene to toughen them up....
Never has 45 euros been better spent, but I need to toughen up - and quickly - if my money is not to run out well before I reach India.
They jab tree trunks to toughen their hands and practice squatting with other students sitting on their shoulders to build leg strength.
State newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported today that Russia's prosecutor's office wants to toughen its "anti-extremism" laws on the web.
Styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer(SBS)modified with organic montmorillonite(OMMT)was utilized to toughen polypropylene(PP)in this paper.
One kind of hydroxyl - terminated aliphatic polycarbonate, i. e. poly(ethylene ether carbonate) diol(PEECD) was synthesized and used to toughen epoxy resin (EP) .
And, I'm sorry, if you are older than 30 and your feelings get hurt by strangers commenting on the thigh sizes of 14-year-olds in a magazine, you need to toughen up.
Better, they argued, to toughen up the rules quickly within the existing treaties to allow more intrusive monitoring of fiscal policies and impose harsher penalties on transgressors.
Nevertheless, researchers have discovered that a process long known to discolor and toughen foods may also contribute to age related impairment of both cells and tissues.
This dislocation cell structure is inherited by martensite, restricts the growing of the martensite and refines the structure so as to strengthen and toughen the magnetic field quenched materials.
What the parents need to do for the child does not provide a greenhouse for him, but expose the child to the outside world and toughen him.
What the parents need to do for the child does not provide a greenhouse for him, but expose the child to the outside world and toughen him.