Based on interviews with the surviving crew member, the ship was hit by a huge wave which caused it to turn upside down.
"Nine" looks similar to "six" if you turn it upside down.
Even if you turn it upside down, it isn't similar to any other number.
Do you have you create a new market and turn everyone's assumptions upside down to be successful?
The goal was not just to turn chemical rules upside down, but to create new catalytic compounds that are less toxic and have useful properties.
This is not just because he too likes to hang around people who accentuate the positive. Mr Pittinsky's hope is to turn the conventional wisdom of "conflict studies" and "race relations" upside down.
He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himself into an eagle to turn the table upside down.
The problem was, the CEO launched wave after wave of new grand projects, aiming to yet again turn the status quo upside down.
In a pinch, you can also turn a bowl upside-down; just make sure it's wide enough to balance your fish plate.
Tip: Turn the cake upside down out of the tin to serve. You could dust it with some icing sugar if you like.
Southpaws can turn the screen upside down to get the same effect, though now you've got the home button on the top and the camera on the bottom.
Mr Pittinsky's hope is to turn the conventional wisdom of “conflict studies” and “race relations” upside down.
At times they go so far as to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down.
It costs nothing to say "I am proud of you" yet these words can turn the person's world positively upside down.
To clear out bugs, the magazine recommends users unplug keyboards, turn them upside down and shake them.
Waves had long fascinated Burt Ovrut, now they were just about to turn M-theory upside down.
But some of our comrades turn this upside down and maintain that everything ought to start from "love".
"Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards.
He wants someone to get excited about what he's doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out, exploring the best ways to report it.
I am willing to turn an entire company upside down if it is time to be that. We are in perpetual evolution.
Often I even, in vain, desire to turn the mirror upside down and seek my own glory.
For a pill taken twice daily, turn the container upside down after the morning dose as a reminder to take it in the evening, then turn it right side up after taking the second dose.
He watches as the cars twist and turn upside down. He wishes he were brave enough to go on it.
Once, when I was about 13, my mother threatened to turn all my drawers upside down on the floor of my bedroom to teach me to keep them tidy.
It was followed by Gu Taifeng's mother, is beautiful (Kim ha Neul ornaments) and Gu Taifeng, she has brought changes to the life of Zhou Liyan turn the world upside down.
It was followed by Gu Taifeng's mother, is beautiful (Kim ha Neul ornaments) and Gu Taifeng, she has brought changes to the life of Zhou Liyan turn the world upside down.