Grip that jar lid - Place a thick rubber band around the rim of a jar lid and use it to grip the lid while you twist it off.
Try to drink around 3-5 cups a day, add a twist of lemon for extra zing.
每天喝3 - 5杯绿茶为宜,当然你可以再挤点柠檬汁来增加口感。
Twist is designed around the idea that well-abstracted test scenarios, which happen to be both semantically meaningful and declarative, can help you with test maintenance.
With a neat twist, Mr. Fishman flips this reality around to warn those in water-starved or drought-stricken regions that they are on their own, that no one is going to come to their rescue.
A group of boys were playing rowdily on the swings, trying to twist the rusty chains around the topmost pole.
And more and more facts coming out about the reality of the CIA having tortured and trying to twist that around to get people to accept that as something that is conscionable.
Dance like nobody's watching. Shake, twist, and jump around. Let yourself feel the joy of moving to your favorite music.
The new service, a twist on videophone products which have been around for years, will enable users to transmit and receive their images as they communicate.
Fill up with equal parts of hot coffee and hot chocolate. Add honey to taste. Wrap lemon twist around the cinnamon stick.
Called Levytator, the invention has curved steps that allow to twist, bend and snake around corners in a continuous loop.
A British couple gave a new twist to the idea of running away together by competing in the London marathon in their wedding clothes and getting married halfway around the course.
British couple gave a new twist to the idea of running away together by competing in the London marathon in their wedding clothes and getting married halfway around the course.
The back guy, the mooring rope, take the thing, to twist the screw even to turn around and so on the ground easy movement, appears in weightlessness outer space is slow and is slow.
The back guy, the mooring rope, take the thing, to twist the screw even to turn around and so on the ground easy movement, appears in weightlessness outer space is slow and is slow.