He teaches us to wait patiently.
Successs belongs to wait patiently for a person in the end.
EXPECT the children to learn to wait patiently and honor the other child's Special Time.
I just have to wait patiently for him, so that I don't set my heart on a frog instead of a prince.
I just have to wait patiently for him, so that I don't 12 set my heart on a frog instead of a prince.
The best course was to wait patiently, and regain the lost time by greater speed when the obstacle was removed.
We are to groan for glorification, but we are to wait patiently for it, knowing that what the Lord appoints is best.
We are very grateful to the College for stepping in to help us attempt the record and now just have to wait patiently to hear the final verdict.
So, we can do nothing but to wait patiently until the god is kind enough to tear clouds away, showing us the sun covered black with golden halo around.
Folds used to be willing to wait patiently for a slow-moving stage coach, but now they kick like the dickens if they miss one revolution of a revolving door.
She ran, and returned and ran again, many times before my sober footsteps reached the gate, and then she seated herself on the grassy bank beside the path, and tried to wait patiently;
She helped me to relax when I was speaking, and would always wait patiently for me to finish my sentences.
Even when they on purpose dropped him off somewhere far away, he would make his way back to Taikang Hospital and patiently wait for his owner to return.
At the main Shanghai store of Louis Vuitton there is a queue to get in at weekends - young women wait patiently in the rope line, as if they were trying to get into the hottest new LA club.
Fans of NetNewsWire who have been patiently waiting for an updated version shouldn't have to wait too much longer.
We must sow before we can reap, and often have to wait long, content meanwhile to look patiently forward in hope; the fruit best worth waiting for often ripening the slowest.
After class, I could not wait to ask the teacher questions. However, even though he explained to me again and again patiently, I still had no clue.
A shopping boyfriend is always happy to take his female client around, pick her outfits, and wait patiently throughout the whole shopping trip.
A shopping boyfriend is always happy to take his female client around, helps her pick her outfits, and wait patiently outside the change rooms - does all the things men dont like about shopping.
When the big trend came it was great, but they still had to patiently wait for it to happen.
Elihu assured Job that God would indeed bring justice and thus answer his prayer, but Job must wait patiently, rather than jump to vain conclusions.
Or if the dish hasn't been passed to you yet, patiently wait your turn.
Love will endure long while we pray for our enemies, and wait patiently for God to do something on our behalf because God said vengeance is His to repay.
If they follow past habits and patiently wait for word-of-mouth to build, it could be too late for awards attention when a film's momentum finally reaches its apex.
When we were backing home, we went into action in no time. Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.
Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.
Some time later, we finished. I will patiently wait for spring to come to the yard now.