He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.
Like many people, when the Pokémon General Election was first announced, I just sort of assumed Pikachu was going to walk away with it.
He writes of how burnt-out American singer Bob Dylon decided to walk away from his musical career in 1965 and escape to a cabin in the woods, only to be overcome by a desire to write.
A good haggler knows when to walk away empty-handed.
Rhodes is thrilled to walk away with checks totaling $5,100.
It starts to feel easier to walk away than struggle back through the neglect.
Dr Fox is likely to hang on to his current job, unless he chooses to walk away.
I waited until he turned his back to walk away before running in the opposite direction.
Carmen Elcira nodded and then started to walk away, following the line of other passengers.
Indeed, it can often be a very good idea to walk away from a conflict-at least for a while.
Once my family knew the truth, they helped give me the strength to walk away from the situation.
A book takes time and effort to consume - something that gives a reader every chance to walk away.
I want people to walk away with a plan to try something new that will help them advance their careers.
Driving schools in South Korea offer courses to enable applicants to walk away with a licence in a week.
Whenever someone sneezes or coughs, those nearby try to walk away as fast as they can without being rude.
But three months after Microsoft laid down the challenge, it elected to walk away from its takeover bout for Yahoo!.
If you are one of the people who don't like arguments one of the best things to do is to walk away from the situation.
The behavior of others could inspire you to walk away from something, or change your goals, or make a break for freedom.
It would be disastrous for the economy if Americans concluded they were free to walk away from such commitments, he says.
Wenger said he had originally intended to walk away from football management at 50 but now he did not "believe in retiring".
If you look closer in the background of the picture, you'll see that there is a thief picking up their bag to walk away with it.
Their banking systems are far more intertwined than Asia’s were—and the foreign banks are less likely to walk away (see article).
He doesn't need more money, or trophies. He doesn't need any of the things that other athletes find it so hard to walk away from.
I believe that those imperfections are not a reason to walk away from this institution — they are a calling to redouble our efforts.
If you are not getting the deal you and your Realtor feel you deserve, do not be afraid to walk away, and look at the next home on your list.
If you are not getting the deal you and your Realtor feel you deserve, do not be afraid to walk away, and look at the next home on your list.