These mothers take turns to watch over each other's children.
States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child and other minute details.
The guards were hired to watch over the houses.
There should be a lifeguard to watch over you at all times.
For a while, Grandpa would go to church alone, praying to God to watch over his wife.
Teri and Kim are sent to a clinic for a checkup, and Jack begs Nina to watch over them.
I don't like to watch over my naughty niece every weekend, but my mother insists that I do.
Love means to care to protect to watch over to pray for to make sure the loved person is happy.
These websites offer young people the information and tools they need to watch over their money.
Take this little angel and keep her close to you she is your guardianngel sent to watch over you.
For a while, my Grandfather would go to church alone, praying to God to watch over my Grandmother.
She offered to watch over Illidan, whose attack on his fellow night elves had been the last straw.
Love means to care, to protect, to watch over, to pray for, to make sure the loved person is happy.
An expert swimmer trained and employed to watch over other swimmers, as at a beach or swimming pool.
The teacher's first duty is to watch over the environment, and this takes precedence over all the rest.
Given the potentially wide reverberations, this will be an interesting trend to watch over the next six months.
A balcony following the length of the suit allows for intimacy while still being able to watch over garden activity.
The Japanese SEO industry will be very interesting to watch over the next coming years. I think we are in for a wild ride.
Although I have not even seen the fully edited version yet, I know this will be a good movie, and something I'll be able to watch over and over again.
North: : Will you, Jack Frost, vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams.
I was astounded when I heard that a multitude of cowherd children without Hukou live in the poorest countryside and only know how to watch over their cows.
Nonetheless these figures will be interesting to watch over next few months to gauge how investor dollars (and consumer dollars) react to the smartphone market.
It was Hermes who liberated Io, the lover of Zeus, from the hundred-eyed giant Argus, who had been ordered by Hera, the jealous wife of Zeus, to watch over her.
Liang Jan replied that his children had their mother, grandparents and servants to watch over them, but that his pigeons had nobody but him to take care of them.
The queen escaped from the bath-room, where the wicked old woman had locked her up, but she did not go far, as she wanted to watch over her child and the little fawn.
Every morning, I meditate while the sun comes up over the rice fields, and before bedtime I speak to my four spirit brothers and ask them to watch over me while I sleep.
Every morning, I meditate while the sun comes up over the rice fields, and before bedtime I speak to my four spirit brothers and ask them to watch over me while I sleep.