The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.
Users get the benefits both of a big pool of potential partners and various tools to winnow them.
To winnow down the strongest candidates, they tried exposing these bacteria to what should have been far more toxic substances, antibiotics.
On the other hand, those creatures might just be too small to be caught easily by the filters used to winnow life from water for analysis in the first place.
Having used the number of arguments to winnow the potentially viable functions, we must now look at whether the argument types match those of the parameters.
There are innumerable tools and techniques that you can use to winnow out the falsehoods, and people who work hard to help you understand what's real and what isn't.
And his master answered and said to him, Evil and slothful slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not winnow.
The food has finally parted company with the soil before it is handed over to them: this however might be said with equal truth of the thresher the winnow er the makers of butter and cheese;
The utility model relates to a power rice sheller, in particular to a light power rice sheller with a screen and a rotating winnow device.
The utility model relates to a power rice sheller, in particular to a light power rice sheller with a screen and a rotating winnow device.