The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.
But Paddy's love for her was as deep and impossible to wipe out as hers was for Frank.
We've determined to wipe out any enemy who dare invasion.
It would take modest losses to wipe out these Banks' equity.
In seeking to eradicate illicit crops, we must also work to wipe out poverty.
It wouldn't need to lose much on these assets to wipe out its thin cushion of capital.
It doesn't take much of a reaction to wipe out a margin of only three quarters of a point.
"We cant just expect wind, snow or rain to wipe out the pollution when it gets bad," Ma added.
"We can't just expect wind, snow or rain to wipe out the pollution when it gets bad," Ma added.
Our task is to abolish the feudal system to wipe out the landlords as a class not as individuals.
So, if a meteor helped to wipe out the dinosaurs, does this mean we should be terrified of the skies today?
In return the U.S. should try to persuade European nations to wipe out their restrictions on Japanese goods.
Climate change is predicted to wipe out more than one-third of the panda's bamboo habitat in the next 80 years.
It was a cruel thing to do, and it broke her heart, but it was the fastest way to wipe out three years's feelings.
Members promised not to spread unhealthy or illegal information, and make further efforts to wipe out spam messages.
He cites the outbreak in the early 1970s of yellow dwarf virus, which threatened to wipe out the world's barley crop.
Finally the dinner, I discovered, not effort to wipe out a bowl of rice, everyone looked at me with this mess, laughed.
Luke refused to wipe out R2's memory, and decided to search the old Imperial archives for the Intellex iv design manual.
Pedro Sanchez: we both have a moral as well as an economic obligation to wipe out this extreme hunger in the next 20 years.
Telling is going to wipe out any trust they’d mustered up, and it could take years to rebuild (if, indeed, that’s possible).
Workers want higher wages; new Labour laws are designed to wipe out sweatshops that bring higher costs which squeeze many companies.
With the Americans out of the picture, the Pathet Lao moved to try to wipe out the remaining Hmong elements that had worked with the CIA.
随着美国人撤离,Pathet Lao转而试图彻底消灭曾与中情局合作的苗族残部。
In the processing of digital video it is commonly needed to wipe out blotches in the image. Motion estimation is a basic step for this end.
It doesn't take much water to wipe out the mosquito habitat, Carlson says, but any alteration of the natural environment has some adverse affects.
We need to use the tsunami to wipe out egoism, which has attached itself like rust to the mentality of the Japanese people over a long period of time.
We need to use the tsunami to wipe out egoism, which has attached itself like rust to the mentality of the Japanese people over a long period of time.