From my earliest years, it became a solidified tradition to go on long drives throughout New England to witness the foliage change, snack on candy and donuts.
People emerged from shops and restaurants to witness the historic event.
I can't wait to witness the game! Don't worry, the German team will win.
It has created such an interest that you have quite an audience looking on to witness the event.
The decision to allow several journalists and diplomats to witness the verdict came as a surprise.
Along with plenty of fans in the crowd, Rob's parents were on hand to witness the ceremony as well.
Each year thousands of tourists travel to the region to witness the amazing talents of the elephants.
We're more able than ever to witness the tragedy of millions of our fellow humans on television or online.
He asked the IOC to "choose America" and to witness the "incredible diversity of the American people."
On Saturday 18th September I travelled to Essen in Germany to witness the largest parade of Mazda cars.
He turned to a colleague who had decided to witness the arrival of the informant causing all the excitement.
Hordes of men and women in their best clothes had gathered to witness the marriages of innocent children.
In the foreground is a small part of the vast throng that flocked to Cocoa Beach to witness the spectacle.
Michael peeks under a ceiling tile to witness the inmates throwing a flaming phone book into Sara’s office.
We gather here to witness the solemn raising of the flags of all participating teams at the 5th East Asian Games.
American TV crews rushed to Libya to witness the wicked colonel get his comeuppance. None went to Bahrain or Yemen.
Thousands of tourists, scientists and journalists have travelled there to witness the brief moment of daytime darkness.
The partial eclipse began in the skies over Northern Algeria, the first location to witness the phenomenon at 6.40am GMT.
We were extremely lucky to be seeing Jupiter at exactly the right time, the right hour, the right side of Jupiter to witness the event.
Another Tweeter, francescaway, said: "Felt blessed to witness the legendary duststorm, even if it meant feeling like breathing sawdust all day."
When I pleaded my case, he relented a little and agreed that once the baby's head had been turned, I could come back in to witness the birth.
Online scripted events give players the opportunity to have an impact on the world and to witness the consequences of their actions and choices.
Anyone wanting to witness the drama of our Milky way galaxy has probably got one evening left to get away from light pollution to enjoy the spectacle.
We won't have to wait another century to witness the end of an era: scientists predict that all of the park's remaining glaciers will have disappeared by 2020.
Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene in which people can enjoy their life to the uttermost, (I argue.
"For those watching, get ready to witness the power of Discovery as she lifts off one final time," shuttle commander Steve Lindsey radioed minutes before launch.
The protons were duly unleashed at 9.30am on Wednesday September 10th, and the world's press duly assembled at CERN's headquarters in Geneva to witness the event.
Millions of South Koreans watched live coverage of the launch, hoping to witness the first time their country had put a satellite into orbit from its own territory.
Millions of South Koreans watched live coverage of the launch, hoping to witness the first time their country had put a satellite into orbit from its own territory.