Just as in the old days you could either ignore a ringing phone or allow it to go on to the answer machine, so today it's quite possible to put your emails to one side until you're ready for them.
Michael (Sencha Touch) : The big difference is that most mobile apps are quite simple, so mobile development today requires far less organizational scale than desktop development.
Michael (Sencha Touch):主要差异在于大多数移动应用都很小,因此今天的移动开发所需的组织规模远小于桌面开发。
Although these problems seem quite simple to solve for most of the world's population today, at that time the state of technology and knowledge was not so advanced.
But after 19 years I'm quite good on jetlag, so I will be okay, but today I do feel tired.
Some organisms have persisted with so little change that specimens living today are quite similar to their Paleozoic or Mesozoic ancestors.
Some organisms have persisted with so little change that specimens living today are quite similar to their Paleozoic or Mesozoic ancestors.