Slot your foot (big toe up, pinky toe down) into the crack up to the arch of your foot, keeping your knee out to the side.
The formulae for calculating SIF and fatigue life of surface crack at weld toe of the high-strength steel under the combination stresses were given out.
The formulae for calculating SIF and fatigue life of surface crack at weld toe of the high-strength steel under the combination stresses have been presented.
Statisticians everywhere are squealing in delight over this story on fellow statistician Mohan Srivastava,who used his know-how to crack the code of a tic-tac-toe scatcher lottery game.
The fatigue crack propagation rate of the fusion line and weld toe are greater than that of the others.
The results show that the failure of dam foundation is caused mainly by the extension of dam heel crack and the expansion of shear-yield zone of the foundation rock near the dam toe.
The second crack is a crack originating at the groove weld toe of the column flange-girder flange connection.
The second crack is a crack originating at the groove weld toe of the column flange-girder flange connection.