You could put together the proper command, with all of the arguments and flags, and then run that on each system.
Thus, if you have staff activities in loops and want to run the above request, you need to ensure that you subtract only events which belong together.
The following section describes how the user roles work together to design, develop, and run this solution.
These modules need to be able to run together without causing problems for each other.
The number of tests run is shown in the status bar, together with the time taken to execute the tests, and the number of failures.
This can be a great tool for building flexible code that can be hooked together at run time without the need for any source code links between classes.
Theelements of a program fit together in a similar way, and if theprogrammer knows what he is doing, the program will run withoutcrashing.
With most of my girlfriends, I feared that we'd run out of things to talk about if we spent too much time together.
But, you could have run them together using the semi-colon (;) separator, as shown in Listing 10.
Together, these layers (if they're well constructed and frequently run) can boost your confidence in the behavior of an application.
In the '90-91 season, the trio's second campaign together, Run TMC combined to average 72.5 points and over 15 dimes and' bounds.
90- 91赛季,三个人在一起的第二季,RunTM C联手场均攻下72.5分并且有超过15个的助攻及篮板。
Using reflection allows applications to be structured for flexibility, with external information used at run time to hook pieces together into a working configuration.
If you don't like the way you're being treated, don't lash out at the other person, teach them, patiently train them; become better together, don't run from your training!
At run time, the portal administrator (or business users) can wire together the different portlets.
Also, she would likely regard the situation as further evidence of their need to run off together and start a new life in another city, far away from her mother.
If you've taken a look at the sample application and run the forms designer, you may be wondering how all of the services have come together.
They also take longer to run, so running a lot of them together can increase your overall test time dramatically.
The world's biggest search engine now offers dozens of services, from news aggregation to word processing, all of which are tied together and run on a global network of dozens of huge data-centres.
Nonetheless, having done that, let's look at what I'm going to do. I now want to run a loop where I need to collect things together.
These two lifecycles go together, run together, and are used together to produce an SOA composite applications and their services.
This tight coupling can impact the scalability of the administrative runtime if the run time components are not located together in close proximity.
Public clouds are run by vendors, and applications from different customers are likely to be mixed together on the cloud's servers, storage systems, and networks.
Both the mediation flow component and the MDB run in the same server, so their output shows up in the console together.
As a group they are no longer financially dependent on foreigners: together they run a current-account surplus, and thanks to large reserves and reduced debts, are now net foreign creditors.
It provides a comprehensive environment in which applications of different types and different sources can run together seamlessly.
The developer can optionally run all three functions (validate, transform, or verify) together or run them individually.
The words that run together became links to other editable pages and the paradigm quickly spread all around the world.
Together with other state elections, notably in BJP-run Gujarat, 2012 has the makings of a "mini-general election year", says one party man.
With our two components created and wired together, let's go through an example run of the order business state machine and the approval BPEL process (with the inline human task).
With our two components created and wired together, let's go through an example run of the order business state machine and the approval BPEL process (with the inline human task).