It has scored a knockout win over token ring.
Communication interfaces: Token ring or Ethernet adapters.
Cisco maps Token Ring to MAC-level broadcast addresses.
In token ring, there 's one token that gets passed from one machine to the next.
Token ring is a token that is a symbol indicating that the holder has a certain right.
In Figure 1.3 we showed an Internet composed of two networks - an Ethernet and a token ring.
Fragmentation often occurs in environments that have a mix of media such as Ethernet and Token Ring.
A router has an Ethernet, Token Ring, serial, and ISDN interface. Which interfaces will have a MAC address?
Furthermore, the communication costs in "Center-Adjacent points" meshed network model and "Token Ring" model are compared.
A packet sniffer for a token ring network could detect that the token has been lost or the presence of too many tokens (verifying the protocol).
An improved algorithm for token loss detection was proposed after the simple token ring algorithm and the algorithm for token loss detection were raised.
It discussed theoretically about the token ring, Ethernet and FDDI, which is normally used in DCS communication network, and analyzed its merit and defects in regard of industrial control requirement.
In the IBM Token - Ring Network, the transmit or output receptacle on an access unit.
The combination of high bandwidth and 100% channel availability will make it feasible to handle these types of applications in a token-ring environment.
By means of the bit length factor, the simple data throughput models of the Token Bus and Ring are derived.
Bringing DTR equipment into an existing token-ring environment will pump up the amounts of available bandwidth.
把d tr设备带入现有的令牌环网环境将提升可用带宽。
In Mini -map, the member station and the non -member station in a token logical ring communicate each other with ORSE.
In the IBM Token-Ring Network, the number of bridges through which a frame passes on the way to its destination.
The maintenance algorithm must be invoked, if the logical ring of the token bus LAN is broken.
The effective maintenance algorithm for logical ring plays an important role in keeping the network real -time. The complexity of algorithm is the main barrier of implementing the token bus LAN.
The king's daughter gave him a diamond ring as a token of the gratitude she would always feel toward him.
This paper introduces the implement methods of a high-speed optical interconnection network adapter for double token-ring network topology cluster.
Portia gives Bassanio a ring as a token of love, and makes him swear that under no circumstances will he part with it.
这对夫妇决定在双重婚礼。 波西亚给巴塞尼奥环作为爱情的信物,使他发誓,他决不会与它的一部分。
The logic token transfer ring needs not to be established in advance for the TDTA. The path through which the token transfers is dynamically formed according to the network topology.
If the Token-ring cycle time is determined enough, the system cycle tends to stabilization.
If the Token-ring cycle time is determined enough, the system cycle tends to stabilization.