Kohl's has a thorough website full of advice for customers, as well as a toll-free customer service hotline with representatives available every day of the week.
One. The toll free number and the QQ technical support, the specialized computer visits to service;
We have the largest call center in Asia, with two hundred 800 toll free hotlines in China to record and receive customers' requirement and dispatch service resources all over the country reasonably.
我们拥有亚洲最大的客户呼叫中心,200条800全国免费热线, 统一记录、接收客户需求并合理、准确地调度全国服务资源。
Should you need any urgent assistance, club members can call the worldwide, toll-free, service line at +800 2747 5500 (international prefix may apply).
倘若您需要任何紧急协助,马可孛罗会会员可致电环球免费服务专线 +800 2747 5500(可能需要输入国际字头)。
Should you need any urgent assistance, club members can call the worldwide, toll-free, service line at +800 2747 5500 (international prefix may apply).
如果您需要紧急帮助,马可孛罗会会员可免费致电马可孛罗会环球服务热线 +800 2747 5500(可能需要添加国际长途前缀)。
Should you need any urgent assistance, club members can call the worldwide, toll-free, service line at +800 2747 5500 (international prefix may apply).
如果您需要紧急帮助,马可孛罗会会员可免费致电马可孛罗会环球服务热线 +800 2747 5500(可能需要添加国际长途前缀)。