But if a company is too big to fail, should it be considered too big to exist?
Michael Boylan-Kolchin, James Bullock and Manoj Kaplinghat, "Too Big to Fail?"
Firms considered too big to fail face tougher capital and liquidity rules.
If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal are too big to fail, Spain and Italy are too big to save.
Treat a bank that becomes too big to fail like a utility, and it will make less money.
Pushing swaps into new entities may simply create a new class of firms that are too big to fail.
And forced mergers and rescues have created some Banks that are unambiguously too big to fail.
"Too big to fail, too shit to buy" is the way some Citigroup insiders describe their employer.
Creative churn, America's staple diet (unless you're too big to fail), is not the Italian way.
A better alternative would be to claw back the subsidy Banks get through being too big to fail.
Many proponents insist that Detroit's “Big Three” carmakers, like some banks, are too big to fail.
Too big to fail Banks must be broken up, just like the Trustbusters did in the early 20th Century.
Because Banks are too big to fail, it is too expensive for them to raise more equity to become safer.
These firms reached their present size through the subsidies they received because they were too big to fail.
The lesson is market discipline does not apply either if a nation is too big to fail or saves too much to care.
It has long been recognised that those America's Banks that are too big to fail are also too big to be managed.
As the failed chief executive of a bank that was judged too big to fail, Sir Fred is an accidental multimillionaire.
'If you think it's too big to fail, whatever that means, then maybe you're more likely to lend to me a low rate.
The most insidious form of institution is the "too big to fail" bank, not the small, richly-rewarded partnership.
At a conference in London several leading bankers criticised new proposals for regulating Banks that are "too big to fail".
As the TAB for bank bail-outs rises, the notion that a firm can be "too big to fail" has become almost too much to stomach.
Unfortunately, this required rescuing many companies considered “too big to fail” that individually did not deserve to be saved.
We are painfully learning that the world’s mega-banks are too complex to manage, too big to fail and too hard to restructure.
A year ago it was said that the euro zone could take care of two or three small countries but that Spain was too big to fail.
We would have moved toward solving the problem if we had broken up the large institutions where they are not too big to fail.
Mr Marchionne admits that Dodge has value only in the US, and the reason he did not shut it was "volume" - it was too big to fail.
Mr Marchionne admits that Dodge has value only in the US, and the reason he did not shut it was “volume” – it was too big to fail.
Mr Marchionne admits that Dodge has value only in the US, and the reason he did not shut it was “volume” – it was too big to fail.