If I move that sign now, it means I'm committing to permanent residence, an idea that is far too depressing to seriously contemplate.
I've now reached the point at which I can't be bothered to read beyond the first page or so of comments. It is simply too depressing.
It was also felt that the endings of Wuthering Heights, 1984 and Gone with the Wind were all too depressing, and should be perked up.
"I am afraid of being by myself on Friday, too depressing, " says Chen, who has been single for years and hopes this Singles Day will be her last one.
The owner hope we can embody Chinese traditional culture, in the space at the same time not too depressing, conforms to modern people's aesthetic.
Hoegh says the work doesn't get too depressing, either since they sell to humane societies, vet clinics, pet cemeteries, and pet crematoria, not to grieving pet owners.
If I had known what Precious was about, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see it. Just too dark and depressing.
The initial portrayal of these dwellings was "too gloomy and depressing" for TV, Saltzberg says, and the set designers decided to brighten things up after the first pilot.
If I had known what Precious was about, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see it.Just too dark and depressing.
But it's depressing that all too often this natural enthusiasm of the young has been stifled by the time they leave school.
Black is a great accent color indoors or out, imparting elegance, formality, and sophistication to a color scheme. Of course, too much black can be depressing.
Too much is going on in your life these days, and you are alternating between jittery highs and depressing lows.
We may indeed find such a thought depressing, yet it clearly has a metaphysical comfort too: death is not the end.
The key is to buy the classical style clothing, durable, be able to bear or endure look, while also adding in some fashion elements, and unapt too show depressing.
The key is to buy the classical style clothing, durable, be able to bear or endure look, while also adding in some fashion elements, and unapt too show depressing.