Too many users, server is full. Contact the server administrator.
Too many users assume that the minute someone receives an E-mail it, the person will read it.
Software today is too often designed to please too many users, resulting in low user satisfaction.
There are too many users in telecom social network, so the scale of telecom social network is very large.
By consolidating users into personas, as shown in Figure 2, these prototypical users provide a way to measure the usability and usefulness of a design without trying to satisfy too many users.
In a large partition environment, set the default Performance Expert login mode to history-only mode, because too many users logging in using current mode can impact the monitored DB2 instance.
在大型分区环境中,应该把默认的PerformanceExpert登录模式设置为只历史模式,因为使用当前模式登录的用户过多会影响监视的DB 2实例。
Many users will find this too strict a framework.
Allow users to change the number of results shown per page to avoid navigating through too many paginated results.
Just like on FriendFeed, users can now easily block updates from others if they turn out to be spammers or are simply Posting too few interesting (or too many) updates.
Currently, many business users spend too much time collecting, combining, consolidating, and distributing data when they use spreadsheets as their primary information distribution system.
The advantages are that users migrate in smaller steps and do not experience too many changes at once; they become familiar with new applications before the actual migration occurs.
A lot of users clearly share this sentiment, though far too many younger users still seem to be quite unconcerned about it.
Still, researchers say, social networking and entertainment Web sites often try to make life simpler for their users and are reluctant to put too many controls in place.
Another old distro that many new users simply ignore because it's got too much of a geek stigma is Debian.
But many analysts think that such an enhanced execution support makes the language too complex for business users. Jim Sinur asserts that BPMN is demanding too much from the business people.
There are too many Mac applications readily available which, either directly or indirectly, confuse most Mac users, making them hard to find the best application.
With Pidgin this is no longer just a dream, and users can chat with friends from many different messaging programs at the same time without using up too many system resources.
Too many adjacent panes result in visual clutter and confusion: Users do not know where to go to find what they need.
Fig. 1: Filtering mechanisms help users narrow down searches that brought back too many results.
If anything, Messrs Page and Brin were becoming concerned that Google already dabbled in too many products beyond web search and risked confusing its users.
It doesn't handle adding users to a group that contains too many members to fit in a single group document.
I've seen too many homepages that try to push users to other pages on the site by "feeding" them only a few simple links or very brief content.
Similarly, text that is too small can cause problems. Although it's possible to change the displayed text size on a browser, many Internet users don't know how.
However, too many cooperative users will make the whole sensing time unbearably long and consume huge system resource.
However, too many cooperative users will make the whole sensing time unbearably long and consume huge system resource.