Yang Ming Mountain has some good hiking trails that are not too strenuous for the kids to climb.
Dancing is fun form of exercise, not too strenuous, a great way to keep in shape and more importantly, anyone can dance, you just need music.
We took him out too strenuous, his actions are afraid to risk not agile, I really want to have regular hospital visits to the doctor for his willingness to look at the disease.
However, following the death of a few men who died while out on a run, the media suggested jogging might be too strenuous for middle aged people, casting doubts over the past-time.
Strenuous goals are too difficult for the quitter to achieve. So, in general, quitters tend to aim for what comes easily to them.
Strenuous goals are too difficult for the quitter to achieve. So, in general, quitters tend to aim for what comes easily to them.