Jingjing: Remember, Xiao Gao, don't make yourself too stressed out. All of these new things could backfire and make your life more stressful. Come on, let's go relieve some stress right now.
Its students were overburdened and stressed out, having to cope with too much work and too many demands.
Your emotions may change frequently, too. You may feel stressed out, angry, frustrated, or sad.
He stressed the threat posed by militants in the region is too great for the United States to pull out.
They were stressed out, they were woefully understaffed, they had way too much work AND half the people there were new hires.
Concerned parents want to know how to help their stressed-out, over-worked, too active kids.
How do I deal with emotional distance as a result of fatigue? How can I help my teen who is just plain stressed out from being on the go too much?
If you're stressed out by a co-worker who talks on the phone too loudly or a boss who's always looking over your shoulder, figure out a way to effectively communicate your frustration or concerns.
It's a dream job, but I sometimes feel like it's too much. I don't want to be so stressed out about work.
Stressful situations may arise, but you don't feel too overwhelmed or stressed-out on a regular basis.
The idea is that astronauts will be able to do a three minute test on themselves to find out when they're feeling too stressed.
I have worked too long without a break and I am very tired and stressed out.
I have worked too long without a break and I am very tired and stressed out.