In the Eastern Jin Dynasty people often took a bath in the river on that day to wash away bad luck.
Wang Xizhi wrote in his Lantingji Xu about how people took a bath and wrote poems while drinking from cups drifting along the river.
Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.
"I was shellshocked. I took a bath and just cried," said Boyd. "I knew that I would lose my male husband."
The dew on the road, the dew on the branches, the dew on the grass, took a bath for almost all nature, let them happy to sprout!
He fanned the slander that Ruth seldom took a bath by sniffing hard and pretending to detect a horrible smell whenever the slugger came near him.
One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress.
You came home late last night after drinking. Took a bath half drunk. Fell on the bathroom floor and went to sleep for the rest of your life just like that. I blame them didn't find you earlier.
Perhaps these practices started when Adam first took a bath and combed his hair before going on a date with Eve. Or maybe they began when Eve put on some herbal makeup to make herself more beautiful.
In the evening, Isaac took a good bath in the tub then tried on a new shirt.
She wore them everywhere-kindergarten, 8 Sunday school, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a 9 bubble bath.
Even after the bubble burst and every other technology company took a blood-bath, Jim kept delivering results.
When the flowers came, Paul put them in water and then he took a long, hot bath.
Zhinu was a granddaughter of the King of the Heavenly Kingdom. If the Cowherd took the advantage of their bath in the pond to take away her clothes, she would stay and become his wife.
After he took his bath, he dressed in a hurry, run to catch the bus and go to his appointment before it was to late.
In a time when bathing was starting to gain acceptance, he never took a voluntary bath his entire life and became known as the "Dirty Duke" as a result.
At the end of his working week at Ogilvy, Rushdie always took a long hot bath.
Later, the girl took a thorough bath and dressed herself in delicate clothing to visit the king again.
The workers took a solar bath on the seaside.
She wore them everywhere—Kindergarten, 8)Sunday school, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a 9)bubble bath.
She wore them everywhere—Kindergarten, 8)Sunday school, even to bed. The only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a 9)bubble bath.