I took down her phone number and her name just to make sure I could call her later to make sure that the phone had been fixed.
The elephant, seeing that the crocodile had no way of reaching their goal, raised his long trunk, and took down the hat quite easily.
The Canadian army took down the barricades erected by the Indians.
Because it might encourage teenagers to try smoking, Sina Weibo took down the "smoking" emoji.
In another research, students who didn't text during a lesson took down a lot more notes than those who were texting.
He took down the minutes in shorthand.
She took down the tablets in one gulp.
We took down numberplates and tracked down more than 23 women to warn them.
Terry took down email addresses, and Natalie and I talked up the crowd.
In the spring of 1912 an iceberg in the Atlantic took down the Titanic.
My father fixed the house, mowed the lawn, put up and took down the storm Windows.
My teacher went to one of our library shelves and took down a book. She then began walking towards my desk.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Samson break all the ropes and he went and took down a few of the soldiers.
Anxious greens switched to another losing cause, mitigating climate change, and the Hard Rock cafe took down its sign.
"I took down the number and told my daughter she must apply to go on," he says. Her reaction? "go on it yourself!" he laughs.
was not the only site affected by the raids. In addition, the police took down trackertdt.com, a sister site of todotorrente.com.
But the mother turned away her face and the girl took down the watercolors from the walls, sheathed the records she had danced to and went away.
The next morning they got up late, drank whiskey, fished a little, took down their tents, rolled their sleeping bags, gathered their stuff, and hiked out.
What good will it do now for scores of thousands of U.S. workers who built commercial jets for Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas, which Airbus took down?
San Francisco based WeatherBill, the service which lets you bet on the weather (it can also be used for insurance), took down their landing page and launched today.
The image began circulating online on Tuesday and after being alerted to the switch, Microsoft took down the image and said it was trying to discover who was responsible.
They'd bring these random x86-based computer parts back to their dorm room to add to the Frankenstein machine hosting the legendary rogue Web crawler that took down Stanford's entire network-twice.
They sat down and he took a clumsy little brown paper package out of his coat pocket.
They sat down and he took a clumsy little brown paper package out of his coat pocket.