One who loves tooting his own horn is usually unpopular.
So if you find yourself "tooting" after eating dairy, you're not alone.
But tooting your own horn too much - and too obviously - can hurt your professional image.
If you don't mind my tooting own horn, I just got that important promotion I was hoping for.
If you dont mind my tooting my own horn, I just got that important promotion I was hoping for.
If you don't mind my tooting my own horn I just got that important promotion I was hoping for.
Ringing church bells, tooting horns and ear - piercing shrieks echo throughout the world on this festive day.
As the engine hurls you forward, tooting its horn (as ours did almost constantly), you're free to plan your future.
Slightly further afield there was a very good school in Tooting, but Tooting has had a couple too many murders for my tastes.
Ninety-two per cent of horn tooting at traffic lights is done by men, while they also carry out96% of burglaries and 88% of murders.
In the open source world, the best to hope for is your computer tooting different sound files based on the account or storage area where your E-mail landed.
But as the big woods of the Mississippi Delta were chopped down, the woodpecker-with its distinctive tooting call and double knock-was slowly exterminated.
Over miniature mountains, through tunnels, stopping here and there to fill up with water or load miniature bundles of firewood, whistling, tooting, it was amazing.
IF all goes according to plan, the shiny ball will drop at midnight on New Year's Eve in Times Square, to the tooting of horns and the wild screams of the jubilant throng.
IF all goes according to plan, the shiny ball will drop at midnight on New Year's Eve in Times Square, to the tooting of horns and the wild screams of the jubilant throng.