While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men.
Past efforts in the U.S. generally haven't slowed the rise of executive pay but instead shifted the way top managers are rewarded.
You know I met with a, I was younger, I met with a, he go unnamed 'cos I think I'm being told the top Silicon Valley executive today.
In a recent business magazine article, a top executive was quoted, "Laughter in the work place is a waste of time."
Local incorporation 'helps show that we want to be a local player, that we want to work more closely with the local regulator,' said Fang Fang, J.P. Morgan's top executive in China.
The plans were conceived in part by HBGary Federal's top executive, a former U.S. Navy cryptologist named Aaron Barr.
HBGary Federal的高级主管、前美国海军密码学家艾伦·巴尔(Aaron Barr)参与了该计划的设计。
And at the top of the hierarchy, the executive leaders who set goals and oversee the program certainly do not perform the same detailed activities as project managers.
Some of these directors may be drawn from top management, but othersare non-executive directors, who are not employed by the firm.
GQM is often perceived as a top-down approach, which suggests the executive role is the place to start.
You've probably heard your CEO or another top executive in your organization give an inspiring speech about agility.
One senior executive at a top investment bank, speaking anonymously so he could speak freely, recently observed that the crisis was entering its "19th inning," with no ending in sight.
Even a former top executive of one of the miners conceded that true competition on pricing would be difficult to foster, when the cost base was the same.
Soon after we met, she told me that she intended to become a top executive at an LG company.
Paulson, who was a top executive of the Goldman Sachs investment bank before coming to Washington, blamed weak regulation for the abuses in mortgage finance.
Given the damage Mr. Hayward's career has sustained — and the difficulty he may face securing another top executive post — he may be negotiating for a far higher payout than the contract calls for.
The founders of the company are former top executive comes from multinational pharmaceutical companies .
Asked whether the family name influenced the choice of top executive, Shoichiro Toyoda said: 'We never know who is going to be president.
In fact, now that Jobs has stepped down, nobody in Apple's top-level executive team does. That is, at least not anyone with nearly the same force and visibility Jobs was able to bring to bear.
The former top Amazon executive is ad-savvy (something Yahoo desperately needs) and, obviously, knows a lot about Internet video.
Whatever the title, the GM is the top executive of the hotel, reporting to ownership either directly or through operational or regional officers.
Despite several overtures, he has never served as coach or a top team executive, or as a major television commentator in the spirit of ex-NFL great John Madden or golf's Johnny Miller.
尽管造过一些声势,但他从未当上过教练或是任何顶级球队的主管,或是有像美国国家美式足球联盟(NFL)前明星球员约翰•麦登(John Madden)或高尔夫球员强尼•米勒(Johnny Miller)那样的劲头,当上大电视台的体育评论员。
The only non-medical career on the BLS top 10 list is chief executive; CEOs rank ninth with a mean income of $167, 880.
The only non-medical career on the BLS top 10 list is chief executive; CEOs rank ninth with a mean income of $167, 880.